Data Capturing Services, Data Extraction Work In India, Offshore Data Capturing, Outsource Data Capturing To India, Online Data Entry Services India
Outsourcing the practice of using outside firms to handle work normally performed within a company is a familiar concept to many entrepreneurs. Small companies routinely outsource their data processing, data capturing and many other important functions often because they have no other choice. Many large companies turn to outsourcing to cut costs. In response, entire industries have evolved to serve companies' outsourcing needs.
Adept Data Services offers an efficient, affordable and very cost-effective online data capturing services / online data extraction services with minimum hassles. Adept offers high quality data capturing services and has specialists in various fields who can quickly return the information to the client as they know exactly where to look for the necessary information.
We also offer professional data capturing services for time sheets (whether printed matter or handwritten), subscriptions application forms of any kind (credit-cards, loans, product registration etc.) and valuable information from the source websites.
For your text and numeric based documents, whether printed or hand-written, we provide a highly accurate and rapid service to manually enter Your data into an electronic format. We guarantee accuracy in excess of 99.9%. Using state-of-the art Software and manual validation procedures, you can rest assured of the integrity of your data.
It utilizes the cost effectiveness of offshore labor to perform the data extraction and data conversion functions while using standard workflow and a proprietary tracking system To effectively and efficiently track and manage the offshore data entry activities. This is the process by which data are transferred from a hard copy to an electronic file.
Our team works hard to meet or exceed client's expectations.
We are serving global clients and our clients spread over in India, USA, UK, Australia, South Africa, Canada, France, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, Denmark, Hong-Kong, Netherlands, Germany, Mexico and other Countries.
For more details, please visit us at
Adept Data Services
(New Delhi, INDIA)