Sunday, December 4, 2011

Canada Immigration Processing Time Forum

Illegal immigration Questions and Answers

They took our job!?
Dey took 'ur jaaahbs! What is so wrong about illegal immigration? They cost toll payers money, they abuse the welfare system, they do not pay enough within property tax to pay for their illegal/anchor babies to attend U.S. schools, they knock about the health care system, the refuse to assimilate, they increase crime, etc. etc. ahahaha so THEY took your...

A recover that will put together some style of amnesty, work visas and raise surrounded by wellbeing seem difficult,?
but is that will help with the issue of illegal immigration? In my inference I think that we need to take contained by consideration many things together and not to focus in only one, close to SOME people say ( they say deport, deport or...

Whats going to start to my friend?
well my friend is illegal immigration i think he is contained by jail because he drive without license he charge with NO DRIVER LICENSE FAILURE TO APPEAR source i want to know this because he borrow my ipod.. whats going to happen to him? right now he is 16 (10th grade)...

What's obama,hilary and mckane's plan on unlawful immgration solution?
make it easier to give them officially recognized status and no more illegal immigration problems. We can use a lot more foreign workers in this country you know the president have no power to pass immigration laws. US congress wont touch an other Amnesty bill with a 10 foot pole They all favor...

What's the difference between an...?
Anti-illegal immigration extremist, and a racist American? this is not a joke! I'm trying to distinguish the difference, but I can't. An anti illegal immigration extremist is just motto that immigrants shouldn't be here because they are breaking the law and the minute that they actually become permitted and come here well then they are welcome :] but a...

What's wrong near immigration?
if you're so scared about these people coming over and taking your job, why don't you just do something about it? sitting here and complaining isn't going to do anything. Do you know the difference between legal and illegal immigration? i played my constituent in letting my Congressmen and Senators, know where i stand on Amnesty and...

What's you stance on unauthorized immigration?
What is you stance on illegal immigration? How does it affect the area that you live in? Do you chew over illegal immigrants cause more problems and are that much of a strain on the discount? Illegal immigration cost California import tax payers $6 Billion a year! Democrats like Pelosi encourages illegals to come to California because...

Where can I find dispassionate broad facts around informal immigration within America?
The more recent, the better. Also, preferably online. Look under Department of Justice - Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE). They may have the stats you necessitate. It's hard to find good info these days when it come to the glum impact and crime of illegal immigration. Many sites and groups have been found to...

Where can one find on the fence information and statistics on unlawful immigration?
I am looking for unbiased information and statistics on illegal immigration. There will always be bias no matter what. Like for instance the 12 million illegals they claim are contained by America. This figure came about by sample poles and such.where the FBI and other agencies were actually asked to...

Where do stand on the issue of against the law immigration?
(into the US)? Just curious. I am against illegal immigration but I am not give or take a few to give up my civil liberties to make it easier for the authorities to deport wrong immigrants. ICE and Homeland Security can do their job without trampling adjectives over the Constitution. The...
Which is cheaper to do stretch out the borders or try and trademark them and control immigration?
Seal the borders, and control illegal immigration. As for giving the illegals an opportunity to become citizens... No way! Anyone catch on to Ted Kennedy's family connections reunification clause yet?! His 1964 Family Chain bill?! It has been costing us more. ...

Which one of these is easier?
Is it easier to stop illegal immigration in America by building a border fence and putting military personnel on 24/7 study. Or by removing incentives that illegal aliens have to come to America by creating stricter laws and punishments for society entering illegally, by prosecuting people who hire illegal aliens, and making a canon that 'anchor babies' are...

Which type of liberal are you, tough on banned aliens or one of those who give the name folks racist for tough stance?
Which kind of Republican are you? tough on illegal immigration and want it stopped to save job of americans and helping keep up standard of living of working americans or are you the kind of Republican who says the more of...

Who benefits from unauthorized immigration?
i hope this does not offend anyone, but i have to write about illiegal immigration for my chicano studies class. so who besides the nearest and dearest and the coyotes beniefits from illegal immgration? also is the government really doing everything they can to stop illegal immigration thank you to whoever help. Everyone and not a soul. No...

Who reason this guy is a prime hopeful for Amnesty?
An illegal immigrant who was deported in 2007 after serving time for an attempted-rape conviction contained by Nebraska returned to the United States earlier this year only to assault two men in Alexandria on separate occasion. Time to shoot that poor bastard! Anyone beside common sense would never support 'illegal immigration' in whatsoever, but you...

Why are african immigrant agreed smaller quantity for american citizenship than latin or asian immigrant?
why is america being so racist as far as who wants to be accepted into this country? proximity, illegal immigration, amnesty and 'chain migration through familial ties having preference'. It isn't racism. It is why we came up with the diversity lottery and countries that hold more than...

Why Are Liberals Always Right?
THIS TIME it's on immigration. Remember when we told you that the best way to solve the illegal immigration problem wasn't fences or foreign laws, but merely to arrest every businessman who hired them? Well GUESS WHAT? Now that the economy is in the dumps, they are going home! Proof's right at hand. Come...

Why are McCain and Obama on the ballot?
'The majority of Americans are against illegal immigration' is often said here. Why isn't Ron Paul, Trancredo, Romney or even Thompson on the ballot? Even as VP? Things that make you shift hummmmmm.. Ya i agree i cant stand either of them. Because, despite the fact that the politicians from each party attempt to starkly differentiate themselves...

Why are prohibited immigrant demonized for taking the bait that American employer dangle above them?
The employer are the ones fuelling the trend of illegal immigration by hiring illegal immmigrants because they're too cheap to pay their force decent wages, so why demonize illetgal immigrants for coming up here illegally when the plea they keep coming up here is because there is never a shortage...

Why are undemocratic immigrant evil?
I'm really uninformed about this issue of illegal immigration, but I'm doing a paper on it right very soon, so I need some kind of background info. This probably sounds resembling a really dumb question, but why is it hard for immigrants to come here reasonably? Particularly Mexicans and other Hispanics?(as opposed to say, people from Asian) I've hear...

Why aren't immigrant allowed to come to the United States?
I know that the issue of illegal immigration is big in the United States. But how does the government want whether an immigrant can or cannot come the U.S? I don't know. There's a lot of hot guys out there that should be living here. The answer. A certain # of immigrants...

Why do individuals believe that the poem on the Statue of Liberty is a canon?
Many supporters of illegal immigration refer to the poem on the Statue of Liberty to give credence to their belief. Don't they know that art is not law? Why are they so in the dark? It seems like that symbol has become a Deity for them. How did they...

Why do relations vote the UK Deportation Orders and Officers are Inhumane?
Some left wing pro-lobby-lunnies have often criticised the law and immigration officers for being inhumane and heavy hand in their decisions to deport illegals. This is how they deal next to illegal immigration in other parts of the world. So are the British really that inhumane and nasty?...

Why do so frequent white supremacists come into the immigration slice underneath the guise?
that they are against illegal immigration when the opposite is evident within theis answers. I am interested in history and I travel the world with my work. I hold worked for UN agencies in various hell holes around the world. I find that most people?? are racist...

Why do so oodles those contained by this piece mull over that anyone who isn't a racist bigot is pro-illegal immigration?
I don't support illegal immigration, but at the same time I don't see why so much blame is being placed on informal immigrants for being opportunists when American employers verbs to hire them. Again, I realize that it's wrong a nd illegal to come...

Why do some nation support unjust immigration?
Name some reasons that one might support illegal immigration. Because they are bleeding heart liberals who cannot or will not see the problems that immoral immigration is causing in this country. They also seem to hold a problem understanding the term 'illegal'. They don't. Please cite legitimate sources that support the fact people support private immigration. There...

Why do the Mexican...?
i just read a moderately racist question similar to mine. The author claimed that all other groups assimilated okay into the USA BUT the mexicans... so i have to ask what are your views on illegal immigration and why are they that method? to all you who are saying that illegals are taking positive aspect of the U.S without...

Why do those who support unendorsed immigration attack those who are against it as racist or chauvinistic?
Proponents of illegal immigration inevitably paint critics as being anti-immigration (the US allows more immigrants through its borders than any other country surrounded by the world) and racist (ask 100 Black Americans how they feel about illegal immigration). Even hard-right denizens approaching Sean Hannity preface their criticisim of...

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