Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tourist Visa Canada For Australians

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Australian Beaches

Ever lounge yourself in the cool waters? Take a dip with the famous Australian Beaches.

The Bondi Beach

A beach mecca for tourist, the Bondi Beach is the most well known beach in Australia. Tourist, lifesavers, surfers to sun worshipers, they abound the coast while enjoying the sun heat and the cool azure water. Bondi houses the Bondi Surf Bathers which is the oldest life saving club in the country.

The beach is a famous spot for tourist and celebrities. There abundant trendy restaurants and shops to enjoy the stay with. Outdoor dining is famous and much sought for.

Bells Beach

If Australian surfers had their own country, Bells Beach would be the capital. Everything about Bells Beach is geared for surfing. From the shops, to the number of major surf goods manufacturers who base their global operations there, to the chilled-out disposition of the locals themselves, it's clear that Bells Beach is a surf town.

Palm Beach

Named as the jewel of the North, it just an hour drive away from the Opera House in Sydney. It is in the heart of the landmark peninsula. Bountiful contrast of lush green bushland and golden sound abound the beach. Relaxing casually would be perfect for a weekend vacation.

Ansons Bay

A tiny fishing haunt of the far north eastern coast of the island. It was known as 'The Bay o' Fires'. It has a story of antiquity dating back about 1830.however it was isolated for many years. However, now it comes within the scope of modern circumstances. It is a famous as a premier bream fishing resort enjoying all those advantages in climate for which the East Coast is known. Numbers of campers and tourists visit it in the season, where homely accommodation and boats are given. What makes it unique? Here the remnants of all the fauna and flora tribes maintain their ways, but in greatly small numbers.

There are a lot more great beaches sprawled in Australia. It is best that when planning a trip, information about the places to go is available. Don't forget also to secure your Australian Holiday Visa to make your vacation possible. To date, trip to Australia is never maximized without plunging unto its waters. A dip is worth a visit.

Myrthle Robillos - National Visas

About the author:

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/vacation-rentals-articles/australian-beaches-755971.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Sri Lanka

EEA national rights-dependency

The case of VN (EEA rights-dependency) Macedonia [2010] UKUT 380 (IAC) concerned the right of residence of family members and the dependency needed to be established in accordance with Directive 2004/38/EC.
< 00004000 p>Case summary:

The appellant was a citizen of Macedonia applying for a residence card as confirmation of his rights as an extended family member of an EEA national. The EEA National was his brother in law, an Italian national exercising his Treaty rights in the UK. The respondents (home office) refused his application on the basis that he had not shown that he was a dependant on his brother in law either since or before his arrival in the UK. The appellant appealed against the decision and the Immigration Judge, whilst ultimately dismissing the appeal, accepted the appellant was dependant on the EEA national since his arrival in the UK, the appellant having arrived in 2007 on a visitor's visa.

In relation to the appellant's situation prior to his arrival in the UK, the immigration judge did not accept that he had been dependant on his brother in law. The EEA brother in law had never lived with the appellant in Macedonia nor had he provided any direct financial support to him. The determination notified 17th February 2010 dismissed the appellant's appeal. The appellant subsequently appealed and was granted permission to appeal against the decision. The Immigration Judge considered the three main authorities on extended family members namely; KG (Sri Lanka) and AK (Sri Lanka) v SSHD [2008] EWCA Civ 13, Bigia and Ors and SM (India) v Entry Clearance Officer (Mumbai) [2009 EWCA Civ 1426. He also considered the leading judgement of Metock when reaching a decision.

The Immigration Judge confirmed that the appellant did not have to live with his brother in law prior to arriving in the UK quoting Maurice Kay LJ in the case of Bigia and Ors where it was stated that: "the provisions in Regulations 8 and 12 of the 2006 Regulations, to the extent that they require an OFM to establish prior lawful residence in another Member State, do not accord with the Directivea".

Therefore, the first Immigration Judge erroneously attached too much weight to the fact that the appellant had not resided with his EEA brother in law when considering whether he was dependant on him. However, the first Immigration Judge's findings on whether the appellant was financially dependent on the EEA brother in law prior to arrival in the UK were correct as the appellant could not show that he had been dependant on him for monetary support. The question to be considered in the case therefore, was whether the first judge had materially erred in his decision. The Immigration Judge held that clear that "both the Directive and the 2006 Regulations require, in the case of OFMs, that dependency must be shown both in the country of origin and in the host Member State".

Reference was made to reg 8(2)(c) which requires an applicant to show that the extended family member who has joined the EEA national in the United Kingdom "continues to be dependent upon him or to be a member of his household". Therefore, it was held that the use of the word "continues" denotes that the dependency must have existed in the recent past and must still exist once in the UK.

Reference was also made to the case of Pedro [2009] EWCA Civ 1358 however, it was distinguished in that, it did not apply to other family members as defined by Article 3.2(a) of the Directive. The case held that in order to establish a right of residence, the OFM is required to show both dependence in the country from which they came from and continuing dependence in the UK.

About the author: For further information or advice, please contact our lawyers on 0207 569 3035 or alternatively at info@ergensharif.co.uk .


Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/eea-national-rights-dependency-3733860.html

Tourist Visa Canada Extend

Medical Tourism in India

Tummy tucks and a visit to the Taj Mahal is not unusual, what with the escalating medical costs the world over, patients are flocking Eastwards to countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. The quality of medical services is often found better than some of the care centre in the United States and the UK. Many countries have now developed official partnerships for speedy treatments in India for their residents most of whom have to wait for extended periods of time to undergo operations. In India, medical treatment is not only fast but would also costs a fraction of what it would costs in USA or Europe.

So, scale or whiten your tooth at $ 300 in the US, or do so at $75 in India. A smile designed at US$ 8000 can be yours at one eighth the cost in India. Forget, cosmetic surgery, a dialysis in the US will shortchange you for $ 300 as against $50 for the same procedure in Chennai. Bone marrow transplant, surgical oncology, cord blood transplants, transplants of the heart, lung, liver are all possible at lower costs in countries like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and India than most developed countries where health insurance continues to shoot up in a heavily taxed public health-care system.

A chance to visit India and the Far East while healing and treating ailments at affordable costs has led patients from the developed nations to utilize health services in India at a fraction of the costs in the West. Five to seven per cent of Escorts' patients are understood to be from abroad. Most patient traffic is from West Asia, South East Asia and Africa. International health insurance companies abroad are looking to forge partnerships with renowned specialty hospitals for Non Resident Indians (NRIs) to combine their treatment in India with their annual family visits.
Most Indian states have either established themselves as destinations for health care and tourism or are building medical brand images. Add to this, Yogic healing, Transcendental Meditation (TM) along with alternate therapies of ayurveda in India has been repackaged and redefined and goes hand in hand with India's rise in 'Health Tourism aalso called Medical Tourism. Further, impetus has come from corporate such as the Tatas, Fortis, Max, Wockhardt, Piramal, and the Escorts group who are investing in setting up of modern hospitals in major cities. Many have in fact built health packages designed for patients, including airport pickups, visa assistance, boarding and lodging. With advanced medical and biotechnological progress, India along with Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand are leaders in selling healthcare the world over.

With India's infrastructure and technology quite at par with those in the USA, UK and Europe, also boasts of some of the best hospitals and treatment centers in the world. A favourite world getaway, India as a health and tourism destination is here to stay.

A joint report by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) -McKinsey study on Health tourism says that at its current pace of growth, healthcare tourism alone can rake over US$ 1.7 billion additional revenues by 2012. Medical tourism is now a US$ 299 million industry, as about 100,000 patients come each year.

The biggest driver for healthcare tourism is the disparity in costs, nearly one fifth of the cost in the developed world. India is definitely capitalizing on its low medical costs and the expertise of its highly skilled medical fraternity.

A heart surgery in the US costs US$ 30,000 as compared to US$ 6,000 in India.

A bone marrow transplant in the US costs US$ 250,000 and US$ 26,000 in India

Lately, the Indian Government launched the six month medical Visa in 2005. The Visa allows a foreigner to stay for a year for medical treatment in India. In addition, the Government has also introduced policy measures such as the National Health Policy which recognizes the treatment of international patients as an export, allowing private hospitals treating international patients to enjoy the benefits of lower import duties, an increase in the rate of depreciation (from 25 per cent to 40 per cent) for life-saving medical equipment and several tax sops.

The ease in international travel, the improvement of technology and standards of care in many of the Far Eastern countries and in India score a point with patients in Britain or Canada who have to rely on the heavily taxed public health-care system for routine heart surgery, a hip resurfacing or a hip replacement which sometimes take years to be treated.

About the author: Manoj Gursahani is the Chairman of India's first ecommerce travel portal- TravelMartIndia. Visit the blog for more travel related issues, travel tips and destinations

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/medical-tourism-in-india-98431.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Pakistan

Immigration Law Reform

It is possible to pass comprehensive immigration reform within Obama's first or second year Congress needs to realize that our economic woes are directly linked with our workforce, and our workforce is made up of immigrants (both legal and illegal).

Obama has stated that America has nothing to fear from today's immigrants. Immigrants hope that in America, they will build better lives for their families. Like the many immigrants that came before them and the Hispanic Americans whose families have been here for generations, the recent arrival of Latino immigrants will enrich America.

The president also said that getting new immigration laws passed will be difficu 00004000 lt. Because the U.S. economy is in worse shape than two and three years ago, when immigration bills failed in Congress, he said it would be even more difficult to pass immigration reform now.

However, Obama suggested that pro-immigrant organizations to propose ideas on how to pass the reform through Congress. Also, before concentrating on immigration reform, he will focus on improving the system for legal immigration.

Since Obama took office, and in the middle of the economic crisis, pro-immigrant advocates have been waiting to hear concrete news from the White House on when the administration will begin to move forward on immigration reform. During his presidential campaign, Obama had said he would address the issue during his first year in office.

Economic difficulties cannot be solved without tackling the immigration problems like increasing work visa and legalizing the undocumented workforce. These immigrants contribute enormously to our economy by spending in our consumer market as well as contributing their skills and labor. You can reach the immigration attorney at http://www.sunglaw.com

About the author: Law Office of Virginia K. Sung http://www.sunglaw.com

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/immigration-law-reform-805190.html

Monday, January 30, 2012

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Islamabad

Tier 4 Sponsorship Revised in Second New Statement of Changes to the Immigration Rules

Just two weeks after the "overhaul" of the structure of the Immigration Rules covering Tier 1 and Tier 2 of the Points Based System contained in Statement of Changes in the Immigration Rules HC 863, a further Statement of Changes: HC 908, which makes significant changes to the Tier 4 regime governing students' entry to the United Kingdom was laid before Parliament on 31 March 2011.

The changes are the first stage in the implementation of the announcement made by the Home Secretary Theresa May on 23 March 2011, following the consultation on reform of the Tier 4 student immigration system which ran from 7 December 2010 to 31 January 2011.

In accordance with the tenor of the government's announcement the main targets for these changes are students studying courses at below degree level whose Tier 4 Sponsors are not subject to inspection by public bodies, such as Ofsted. In other words - students sponsored by colleges which operate within the private further and higher education sectors and the English language sector.

The Home Secretary announced on 23 March 2011 that all such private colleges must acquire "Highly Trusted Sponsor" status by April of 2012.

A prerequisite for such status will be accreditation by one of the public bodies listed in the new Tier 4 of the Points Based System - Sponsor Guidance. Depending upon where in the UK the college is located, these bodies are:

* Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education;

* Ofsted;

* The Bridge Schools Inspectorate;

* Schools Inspection Service;

* Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education;

* Estyn;

* Education and Training Inspectorate;

* Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

The new Guidance makes it plain that the previous system of accreditation by the following bodies will come to an end.

* Accreditation UK

* The Accreditation Service for British Language Schools (ABLS)

* The Accreditation Service for International Colleges (ASIC)

* The British Accreditation Council (BAC)

* The Church of England Inspectorate - Ministry Division.

By the new Statement of Changes, from April 21 2011 until 5 April 2012 any private colleges which are not yet Highly Trusted Sponsors will be subject to an interim limit on the number of Certificates of Acceptance for Studies which they may issue to migrants who wish to come to the UK to study with them.

During this period such colleges will be able to issue no more than the same number of Certificates of Acceptance for Studies which they issued and which resulted in the grant of entry clearance to a Tier 4 General Student between 1 March 2010 and 28 February 2011.

This limit will not apply to students sponsored by Tier 4 Sponsors who acquire their Highly Trusted status on or after 21 April 2011, by independent schools or by any Tier 4 Sponsor which is already subject to inspection by one of the public bodies listed above.

Changes to Appendix A of the Immigration Rules will from 21 April 2011 require that anyone studying at degree level or above will have to have a command of the English language at least to level B2 of the Common European Framework. For students studying at below degree level a command of the English language at level B1 will be required.

The language requirements are reinforced by a new criterion contained in Immigration Rule 245ZV whereby somebody who has been assigned a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies stands to have his or her application for entry clearance refused if he or she fails to demonstrate the same degree of command of English indicated in that Certificate at an interview in connection with the application.

The Statement of Changes also contains transitional provisions relating to those who are already in the UK as Tier 4 (General) Students, and alterations to the Immigration Rules' General Grounds for Refusal to accommodate the modifications to the regime.

This is only the beginning of the promised overhaul. As indicated in the article regarding the government's intended changes to the student immigration regime - anyone who may be affected by these provisions is strongly encouraged to seek professional legal advice.

About the author: For professional legal advice onimmigration orwork permit in the UK, contact the Gherson team.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/tier-4-sponsorship-revised-in-second-new-statement-of-changes-to-the-immigration-rules-4695973.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Karachi

Directions issued by Immigration Judge in Entry Clearance appeals

SP (allowed appeal directions) South Africa [2011] UKUT 188 (IAC) (17 March 2011)

This Upper Tribunal case was heard on 15th February 2011 at Field House. The case concerned an entry clearance matter and sections of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.

Facts of the case

The appellant is a South African national born on 21st March 2001. Her paternal grandparents applied for her to join them in the United Kingdom for the purposes of settlement. She was refused entry clearance by the entry clearance officer (herein after referred to as the ECO) on the basis that she did not satisfy all of the requirements under paragraph 297 of the Immigration Rules. In particular, the ECO refused her application on paragraph 297(f) in that they did not accept that the appellant's mother was incapable of or unwilling to provide her with parental care. Nor were they satisfied that her mother was happy for the appellant to settle in the UK with her grandparents. The ECO rejected the application stating that there were not sufficiently serious and compelling circumstances that warranted granting her entry clearance. The appellant's article 8 rights (right to a private and family life under the ECHR) were also considered however, the ECO held that there was not interference with this right.

SP (allowed appeal directions) South Africa [2011] UKUT 188 (IAC) (17 March 2011)

This Upper Tribunal case was heard on 15th February 2011 at Field House. The case concerned an entry clearance matter and sections of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002.

Facts of the case

The appellant is a South African national born on 21st March 2001. Her paternal grandparents applied for her to join them in the United Kingdom for the purposes of settlement. She was refused entry clearance by the entry clearance officer (herein after referred to as the ECO) on the basis that she did not satisfy all of the requirements under paragraph 297 of the Immigration Rules. In particular, the ECO refused her application on paragraph 297(f) in that they did not accept that the appellant's mother was incapable of or unwilling to provide her with parental care. Nor were they satisfied that her mother was happy for the appellant to settle in the UK with her grandparents. The ECO rejected the application stating that there were not sufficiently serious and compelling circumstances that warranted granting her entry clearance. The appellant's article 8 rights (right to a private and family life under the ECHR) were also considered however, the ECO held that there was not interference with this right.

The decision was appealed against. The Immigration Judge at the First Tier Tribunal found the sponsor grandfather to be a credible witness. He concluded that the case had been made out, including the requirements under paragraph 297(f). The appeal was allowed at this instance.

The respondent ECO applied for permission to appeal against the decision on the basis that the Immigration Judge's reasoning had not been properly explained and that he had erred by directing the ECO to issue entry clearance. Reference was made to the decision in the case of EA (Ghana) [2005] UKAIT 00108. It was considered that the issuing of such directions could pose difficulties when considering the time passed between the making of the entry clearance application and the hearing taking place; significant changes may take place during that time and the circumstances of the applicant could be much different.

In the case, the circumstances had not changed and the Tribunal indicated that the Secretary of State's appeal would be dismissed and that the initial Immigration Judge's decision would be maintained for the reasons as outlined below.


Reference was made to Section 87 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 which makes provisions in respect of directions after a successful appeal. This section permits the Tribunal to give a direction for the purpose of giving effect to its decision and is a broader power than the provisions contained within paragraph 21 (5) of Schedule 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 where the direction needs to be 'necessary'.

In this case, the circumstances of the appellant had not changed. It was held that in entry clearance matters, directions could be given only where the Immigration Judge was satisfied that the appellant would be able to continue meeting the requirements in the foreseeable future. In particular, the tribunal held that, where a presenting officer is present, he or she should be consulted to see if he or she sees any difficulties arising from the direction to be issued by the Judge.

The Tribunal decided that the Immigration Judge's direction be endorsed and subsequently dismissed the ECO's appeal.

The respondent ECO applied for permission to appeal against the decision on the basis that the Immigration Judge's reasoning had not been properly explained and that he had erred by directing the ECO to issue entry clearance. Reference was made to the decision in the case of EA (Ghana) [2005] UKAIT 00108. It was considered that the issuing of such directions could pose difficulties when considering the time passed between the making of the entry clearance application and the hearing taking place; significant changes may take place during that time and the circumstances of the applicant could be much different.

In the case, the circumstances had not changed and the Tribunal indicated that the Secretary of State's appeal would be dismissed and that the initial Immigration Judge's decision would be maintained for the reasons as outlined below.


Reference was made to Section 87 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 which makes provisions in respect of directions after a successful appeal. This section permits the Tribunal to give a direction for the purpose of giving effect to its decision and is a broader power than the provisions contained within paragraph 21 (5) of Schedule 4 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 where the direction needs to be 'necessary'.

In this case, the circumstances of the appellant had not changed. It was held that in entry clearance matters, directions could be given only where the Immigration Judge was satisfied that the appellant would be able to continue meeting the requirements in the foreseeable future. In particular, the tribunal held that, where a presenting officer is present, he or she should be consulted to see if he or she sees any difficulties arising from the direction to be issued by the Judge.

The Tribunal decided that the Immigration Judge's direction be endorsed and subsequently dismissed the ECO's appeal.

At Ergen & Sharif, our experienced lawyers can assist you whether you are making an initial or fresh application, whether you have been refused and wish to exercise a right of appeal or even where you have been denied a right of appeal.

For further information on how we can help, please contact us on 0207 569 3035 or alternatively email us at info@ergensharif.co.uk

About the author: http://www.ergensharif.co.uk/FamilyVisa.aspx

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/directions-issued-by-immigration-judge-in-entry-clearance-appeals-4804005.html

The Best Places To Visit In Canada

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Best Places to Visit in Rajasthan - Explore the Charm

Rajasthan is globally famous tourist destination. Tourists from all around t 00004000 he world visit Rajasthan to explore its charming attractions. There are many places to visit in Rajasthan. It is rich in both natural attractions and man made attractions. Come and explore the charm of desert and sparkling sand dunes, wildlife destinations, calm lakes, majestic mountains, forts and palaces, historical monuments and temples, etc. There attractions invite thousands and thousands of tourists to Rajasthan every year.

There are many places where you can visit to explore the charming attractions of Rajasthan. Some of the best places to visit in Rajasthan are Jaipur - the Pink City of India, Jodhpur -the Blue City of India, Bikaner - the Camel City of India, Jaisalmer - the Golden City of India and Udaipur - the Lake City of India. Let us know about the charming attractions of these places in detail.

Jaipur - the Pink City of India: Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan. It is the first planned city of India and is nicknamed as Pink City of India. The city is called as Pink City as most of the buildings of the city are painted in pink. The pink color of the city paints the moods of city with its warm and welcoming nature. It invites lots of people every year to explore its attractions. There are many tourist attraction sites in the city. Hawa Mahal, Jantar Mantar, Amber Fort, Jaigarh Fort, Jal Mahal, Rambagh Palace, Albert Hall Museum, Nahargarh Fort, etc are the prime attractions of Jaipur. The attractions of Jaipur successfully boost Rajasthan tours. The city was founded by Maharaja Jai Singh.

Jodhpur - the Blue City of India: It is located in the stark of Thar Desert. Mehrangarh Fort, elegant Umaid Bhawan Palace & Museum and the Royal Cenotaph of Jaswant Thada are the major attractions of Jodhpur.

Jaisalmer - the Golden City of India: It is located in the mid of Thar Desert. You can explore the golden beauty of desert and exotic sand dunes there. Its prime attractions are Golden Fort, Jain Temples, Havelis and Desert National Park.

Bikaner - the Camel City of India: It is located around Thar Desert. The city is famous for holding finest species of camel. Camel is the main means of transportation in this desert land. The major attractions of city include Junagarh Fort, Lalgarh Palace and Camel Breeding Form.

Udaipur - the Lake City of India: Udaipur is one of the most beautiful cities in the state. Lake Palace, Monsoon Palace and Fateh Prakash Palace are popular ttractions of the city. Udaipur is called as the City of Lake as there are many lakes in the city. Some popular lakes of Udaipur are Pichola Lake, Jaisamand Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, Fateh Sagar Lake, etc in the city.

These are some best places to visit during Rajasthan travel. You can select a suitable Rajasthan Tour Package to explore these attractions of the royal state.

About the author: Ashwani is fashionable novelist in tour and travel industry in India. Some of the popular Blue City of India Tours offered Rajasthan Tours. There are several Rajasthan Tour Package available in the market. You can select one of them and embark on journey.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/travel-articles/best-places-to-visit-in-rajasthan-explore-the-charm-3749411.html

The Best Time To Visit Canada

Ibiza 2010: The Best Time To Visit Ibiza Island

People often ask what is the best time to visit Ibiza. In truth there is no right time, but better to choose the month that should best suit your mood or reason for visiting.

Ibiza like most holiday resorts is a seasonal place that swells in the summertime and is closer to a ghost town in winter. August in particular can spell long queues; busy beaches and traffic, while April or October are the complete opposite, tranquil, sleepy towns and quiet beaches.

For many who visit Ibiza, the aim is to catch the world famous opening and closing parties. Each of the major clubs and the nights that run within them, celebrate the start or end to another season with huge parties. In fact the opening and closing parties run over many weeks, though the openings, tend to be throughout June and closings throughout September.

However, the official start for many is the Space opening that attracts some 20,000 people for the all day and night event. Traditionally Space opening takes place during the very last week of May, or first week of June and always on a Sunday. So if you are thinking of booking early for 2010s opening, it is most likely to fall on Sunday 30th May or June 6th.

The bigger clubs tend to ride the Space opening and combine their own in close proximity so it will give you two or three major openings during the days you are over. But with each night in every club hosting its own individual opening party, if you holiday in June you are likely to catch at least one. If you have a favourite night, why not check the NonStopIbiza Ibiza event calendar and book your holiday around that.

Closing parties in 2009 were different than in former years. Space, in recent years, had chosen to extend the season and close on the first Sunday in October. However in 2009 they brought this forward to the last Sunday in September to many peoples dissatisfaction who had already booked flights. The biggest clubs, like Amnesia close in the first week of October, with its biggest night Cocoon closing the week before. So if you want to make plans soon, the last week of September and first week of October will guarantee at least one large closing party during your stay.

For those that want to experience the more peaceful side of the island its best to chose the months ether side of the opening and closing parties. Often, seasoned Ibiza visitors return in Easter or winter months to enjoy the tranquillity and peace the island provides outside the peak season. The sun may not be as strong, but you will be surprised how pleasant the weather can be in these months.

Spring in Ibiza can be blissful. The anticipation of the season ahead leaves a positive feeling in the air. March, April and May are great time to visit. Flights can be very restricti 00004000 ve but you will also benefit from a significantly cheaper for accommodation.

Thats not to say you cant still enjoy Ibiza in the peak months of July and August. There are hundreds of resorts to choose from that offer an isolated environment with more remote beaches rarely busy. Many chose Ibiza to be right in the thick of the action. What makes Ibiza such a great island is you have a choice each day to be involved in the madness or simply relax. And if peace and quiet is really what you need its a great idea to invest in a villa in the hills, so you can dip in and out when you need too.

One last occasion more and more flock to the island each year is to celebrate New Years Eve. It almost seems like it was created for those who need their mid way fix between seasons. Pacha traditionally holds a New Years Eve party to remember, and as long as your wallet can handle it, drinking champagne on the terrace to welcome the New Year could rarely get any better.

Whatever time you decide to visit, Ibiza always has something interesting to offer. For seasoned Ibiza visitors each time of year offers a different experience. So why not take two or three trips to different parts of the island. Even the most experienced visitors are always discovering something new.

About the Author:
For more information on everything Ibiza please visit us at NonStopIbiza

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/Ibiza-2010--The-Best-Time-To-Visit-Ibiza-Island/958962

Canadian Immigration Consultants In India

Hiv/aids Immigration Ban Finally Lifted


In 1987, in the midst of worldwide fear and panic over the AIDS epidemic, the U.S. set in place an immigration ban to prevent anyone with AIDS from entering the country. This drastic measure was taken largely a result of the erroneous belief that HIV/AIDS could be transmitted through physical contact. The U.S. was one of a short list of 12 countries that banned those with the virus.

Twenty-two years later, the ban has finally been lifted. On October 30th 2009 the President signed the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009. This was the final step in a process that began under the Bush administration. The law's standard 60-day waiting period ended early this month and the Act is now officially in effect.

President Obama said the ban was incompatible with U.S. efforts to lead the way in fighting the disease. Unquestionably, reaching out a hand to help others is difficult when you are holding the door shut with the other hand. The ban was serving to perpetuate the HIV/AIDS stigma. Now with more welcoming laws in place, the U.S. will be hosting a bi-annual global HIV/AIDS summit in 2012.
The ban has prevented travelers, tourists, potential immigrants, from entering the country. It has also prevented international adoption of children with the virus. From now on, no one will be required to undergo the HIV/AIDS test to determine their eligibility to enter the country.

Advocates say that the ban has discouraged foreign-born residents living in the U.S. from being tested or seeking medical treatment for HIV/AIDS. If this is the case, these individuals will now be free to seek treatment without fear of losing their immigration status simply for having the virus.

Now with the strings of hypocrisy untied, the Obama administration is free to pursue the mandate of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009 which is to provide ongoing commitment to ensuring access to much needed HIV/AIDS care and treatment.

If you are a person is now free to travel or immigrate to the U.S. as a result of the lifting of this ban, you may wish to consult a qualified immigration lawyer to discuss your visa or immigration options. Contact United States Immigration Support website at www.USAimmigrationSupport.com.

About the author: .

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/hivaids-immigration-ban-finally-lifted-2021379.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Canada

ROBOTANISTS @ Canadian Music Week - DSC07072 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Why Do You Need a Canadian Pardon in Canada?

Canada Pardon services

1-866-630-3660Free Pardon and waiver Assessment!


Criminal records constitute a hindrance to your life by restricting access to employment, career development, training and travel.

Indeed your criminal record can be detrimental to your application if you want a job in many sectors such as banking, insurance, security, government, finance, business.

Your previous criminal record can cause you problems if you wish to travel. To apply for a visa to enter certain countries, you must prove that you are law abiding and your presence does not represent any risk or a hazard to the countries being visited (see more details on the entrance to the United States section);

As a general rule, during the imposition of a sentence, a person who has already endorsed a history judiciary will be dealt with more severely than a person who has never been convicted. The criminal record is the tool that makes it possible to know who has a previous criminal record and who has not;

The criminal record limits your right to training, employment, promotion and obtaining licenses and permits and is also a reason why insurance companies can refuse membership (home insurance, car insurance, health insurance) or you pay high rates.

What are the benefits of The Pardon?
All information about your convictions will be removed from the database of the Canadian Police of Information Center (CPIC) and no information on convictions can be communicated without the authorization of the Minister of Safety Public and Civil Protection. Keep in mind that it is extremely difficult to get this authorization.

The Canadian law related to people's rights prohibits discrimination against persons who have been granted a pardon, whether in the delivery of services to these people or their eligibility for a job in a federal agency. The LCJ stipulates that no job application form used in the federal civil service, may contain questions designed to reveal that a conviction has been granted a pardon. This also applies to Crown Corporations, The Canadian Forces or any company under the federal government.

What are the limits of the pardon?

  • The Pardon is not granted to all persons convicted.
  • The Pardon does not erase the fact that a person has been convicted.
  • The Pardon does not guarantee entry into another country or to obtain a visa.

The LCJ enumerates certain sexual offences. If a person receives a pardon for one of these violations, his file will be kept separate from other records, but an indicator will be associated with his name in the (CPIC) system. This means that an employer could ask for a person's file if that person attempts to get a job which will put them in contact with children or other vulnerable people because of their age or disability.
1. When can you apply for rehabilitation?
The time to apply for a pardon varies with the type of offence and the penalty imposed. The pardon is granted depending on the nature of offences and also whether you have had a good behaviour in accordance with the law during a period of time varying with the nature of the offence committed. (Call to discuss your situation with our consultants) Calla1800. It's free.

2. What is a criminal record?
The criminal record is a record in a registry administered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and in which all the information on those found in violation of laws is kept. Even after several years and, even if it concerns a minor offence, the criminal record does not disappear automatically. These traces can be used to justify a harsher sentence in the event of further offences.

3. I have a criminal record but it has no impact on my life so far. Why would I need a Pardon?
In addition to the obvious reasons, which require you to apply for one, such as employment or travel abroad, people who have a criminal record are the most vulnerable to the extent that they can be easily suspected during their existence because their record does not automatically erased. It remains with the person throughout his life. Often, people simply want to get rid of past mistakes. Peace of mind is a common motivation for requesting for a Pardon.

4. How long will it take to get the Pardon?
This is a question most frequently asked to the consultants of our service and the answer is somewhat ambiguous, because each request is unique in its treatment and Pardons and Waivers are granted after a specific process in each case.

A number of contacts with other services is required during the process, such as the RCMP, the court, the local police, as well as the National Parole Board (or DHS), in order to define the specific request.
The treatment of a Pardon or a Waiver is a very serious process, which goes through several stages. Canada Pardon Services puts in place a platform specializing in the evaluation of the duration of the process depending on the data received by each applicant.

It is important to note that given the importance of obtaining forgiveness for many people with time constraints, the Canadian government is undertaking measures aimed at speeding up the process at the National Parole Board. Delays might therefore soon be reduced. Currently, the duration varies from 12 to 18 months, but it depends on the type of crime and the documents required. Duration of the process may be more than 18 months in some cases. Note that other variables come into play in determining the duration for obtaining forgiveness, such as the need to find a job or to keep a joba ..

5. What are the consequences of a criminal record?
The existence of a criminal record includes the following drawbacks:

  • Employment (affects your candidacy - loss of promotion or your job - limits access to jobs in the banking, insurance, government, hospital, legal, social, security anda the list is long)
  • Investment (limits your chance to obtain credit, permits and licenses - loss of customers and marketsa)
  • Inssurances (denial of your application for home insurance, car insurance and life and health - pay high rates)
  • Childcare (hinders with your entitlement to care for your children and/or to have a career related with children and makes adoption hard)
  • Volunteering (excluded from the opportunity to work and help people feel)
  • Travel
  • Peace of Mind
  • Your immigration status or citizenship in Canada
  • Training
  • Renting (limits the ability to rent)
  • ETC.

6. If I have more than one offence, do I need a Pardon for each one of them?
No. Once you get the Pardon it is valid for all crimes showing on your criminal record, and all the offences are removed from the ICCP (the computer network of the RCMP).

7. If I am once again accused of a crime after obtaining a Pardon, what will happen?
The Pardon is no longer valid if you are accused of a new crime. If this is the case you would be entitled to apply for a second pardon. Otherwise, your criminal record will remain sealed for ever.

8. I am not sure if I need a Pardon or a Waiver, what do I do in this case?
Canada Pardon Services places at your disposal a consultation and assessment session. Its mission is to inform you and to offer appropriate solutions to your situation, for free, they are at your disposal to check your eligibility and how to proceed to guarantee your acceptance. The decision is easy, you just have to contact our consultants.

9. What are the consequences of the Pardon?
With the Pardon, all information and conviction information are removed from the computer system of the Centre for the Canadian Police Information and therefore this will help you find a job, keep your job, enjoy the normal rates of insurance, travela ..

10. In what situations can the Pardon be revoked?
The Pardon may be revoked in the following cases:
Being convicted of a new crime; There is convincing evidence that the person rehabilitated does not behave well. There is convincing evidence that the rehabilitated person provided false information or inaccurate statements when applying for rehabilitation.

11. Is rehabilitation obtained in Canada recognised in a foreign country?
The answer is no, because the Canadian Pardon has no value for several foreign countries, including the United States.
Thus, to visit the United States for example, you need permission from the American authorities, the so-called US-entry Waiver.

12. Will my criminal record be automatically deleted after a certain time?
Unfortunately it will not, you keep your criminal record even after several years and even if it involves a minor offence, the criminal record does not disappear automatically.

13. Can I enter the United States if I have a criminal record?
The American law on immigration is very strict regarding foreigners with a criminal record. Entry into the United States may therefore be refused to persons having a prior criminal record.

14. Does the Canadian Pardon allow me to enter the United States?
Pardon Canada or Pardons from other countries do not automatically allow you to enter the United States. Americans do not recognize the Pardon, and, if an American customs officer asks you about your background, even if you have obtained a Pardon, you must reveal the existence of your records. Consequently, if you plan to go to the United States, you will need to obtain a Waiver.

15. The American Waiver
The Waiver is a paper representing official permission granted by the American government, to people who are not allowed to legally enter the United States.

The consequences can be dramatic for those who are not aware or who take the risk to travel or even to pass through the territory without having the US Waiver. You may be refused entry at the border and your vehicle, belongings and air ticket may be taken away from you. You may even be detained and deported, just because of a simple shoplifting incident at the corner store a long time ago.

16. When can I apply for the Waiver?
The request for the right of entry into the United States (the Waiver) can be made at any time, and is granted at the discretion of a U.S. immigration officer.

The granting of the Waiver is based on the following:

  • The degree of your crime
  • Potential risks that you could represent to the United States
  • The reasons for your visit
  • The age of your conviction
  • Your situation

The process to get the Waiver is relatively long - all procedures and steps must be taken into account. It is strongly recommended that you make your request as soon as possible to avoid last minute disappointments.

17. How Soon Can I Apply?
Entry Waivers can be applied for at any time and are granted at the discretion of a U.S. immigration officer handling your file based on:

  • the risk you are considered to pose to the U.S.;
  • the type and seriousness of your offences;
  • the purpose of your trip.

Note: only a qualified U.S. immigration attorney can properly advise you about your prospects for gaining entry into the U.S.A. We can help you to secure a Waiver and ensure a hassle free entry.

Waivers are valid for periods ranging from one to five years. Once a U.S. Waiver expires, if you wish to enter the U.S., you must go through the same process again and apply for a new Waiver.

About the author: Canada Pardon Services specializes in assisting any person with Canadian criminal records to obtain the Canadian Pardon and the U.S. Entry Restriction Waivers.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/national-state-local-articles/why-do-you-need-a-canadian-pardon-in-canada-476716.html

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Dubai

Criteria for Illegal Immigrants to Remain in the United States According to the New Immigration Policy

In a move to reform the US immigration system, Washington will stop deporting many students and other unlawful immigrants who are not a public safety risk and certificate them to work legally. The policy does not affect most of the more than 10 million people estimated to be living in the United States illegally; it only favors those who have already been placed in deportation proceedings.

Who Will Be Benefitted?

However, the cases of many upstanding high school and college students who were transported here illegally, military veterans, and adults with no criminal record and strong family ties to the United States, will be effectively closed.

Obama's pronouncement on US Immigration policy is a new courage for skilled workers who now undergo long waiting times for their US Visa applications to be processed, and many of 300,000 illegal immigrants currently in front of deportation to remain in the US.

Who Will Decide?

However, to decide who may qualify, the White House would use more option and criticize deportation cases on an individual basis, according to Cecilia Munoz, the White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. A new central group will examine the 300,000 backlogged deportation cases with perceptiveness toward act against criminals and other high-priority cases under the new immigration policy declared by the Obama administration.

What Will Be The Consideration For Deportation?

Administration does not wish to deport the valuable resources out of more than 10 million illegal immigrants to be deported. So it has set some common guidelines to ensure the list of people to be retained.

Consequently, "common sense guidelines" will be executed by Department of Homeland Security and Justice Department to decide on deportation. These rules have been written by Morton, director of U.S. Custom and Immigration Enforcement, spelt out issues that immigration officials would ponder when determining whether the person will stay or go as follows:

  • the person's span of presence in the United States;
  • the conditions of the person's arrival in the United States, mainly if the alien came to the United States as a young child;
  • the person's quest of education in the United States, with particular consideration given to those who have graduated from a U.S. high school or have successfully pursued or are pursuing a college or advanced degrees at a legitimate institution;
  • whether the person, or the person's immediate relative, has worked in the U.S. military, reserves, or national guard;
  • the person's criminal history, counting arrests, former convictions, or outstanding custody warrants;
  • the person's ties and influences to the community, including family relationships;
  • the person's age, with specific deliberation given to minors and the elderly;
  • whether the person has a U.S. citizen or permanent resident partner, child, or parent;
  • whether the person is the prime caretaker of a person with a mental or physical infirmity, minor, or extremely ill relative;
  • Whether the person or the person's spouse is pregnant or in treatment.

Morton also noticed that the list was not all-inclusive and the factors were still being considered so no one was influential.

This rule indeed will help people who were on the proceedings of deportation, who were about to adjust their status. This proves to be a boon for them which will make their dream of becoming US citizen by Filing US Citizenship Application Form. Anyone with such issues can consult an Immigration Guide.

About the author: Immigration Guide

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/criteria-for-illegal-immigrants-to-remain-in-the-united-states-according-to-the-new-immigration-policy-5165525.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Bangalore

Key Benefits For Immigrants To Canada

Canada is the most popular countries for immigration now. People from all over the world plan to settle down in Canada due to the excellent career opportunities, living standards and the social benefits this country offers to its residents. Everyone wants to immigrate to Canada for better opportunities and prosperity for their families. Here the immigration rules are easy and if applied for a visa through an immigration consultant or immigration lawyer, your dream to settle down in Canada can become true within days.

<b>Life Time Free Medical:</b>

Canada has one of the best health systems in the world. Each and every citizen is benefited by health insurance plan of the province where he or she resides. The health plans are funded by tax measures and these health plans allow citizens to avail the best quality health services including doctors' fee and hospital charges. In fact, all immigrants are also applicable to access these free health services provided by the Government. If you are above 65 years of age, you can get all your prescribed drugs free. Besides, there are major provisions for old age pension, family allowance, unemployment insurance and welfare.
<b>Best Quality of Education</b>

Canada is a very developed country and one of the main reason behind this is its education policies. It has got a plan for free primary and secondary education and subsidized post-secondary studies. In Canada, it is essential that every child attends school till the age of 16-17 years. The children go to public schools, free of cost. The education expenses are borne by the provinces where the students reside. The rules and regulations of educational system vary from province to province.

Plenty of Child Benefits

If you have a low monthly income, your child will get the benefit of monthly payments from the Government for better life and higher education. In Canada, even people with low income can give their best to their children.


Canada supports multi-culture, this means here immigrants can follow their own unique culture. Due to the diversity of cultures existing together here, Canada is the first choice amongst people who wish to settle down in some other country. The various customs, traditions, ritual and culture make Canada world's best multicultural country to live in. You can find here different manners of dress styles, food preferences and customs.

Door of Opportunities

The immigration policy of Canada is one of the reasons behind the economic growth of this country. Here people from all over from world come and contribute towards the development of the country. Business firms can also come and establish their business offices here.

A Paradise to Live in

Canada is a land of great beauty full of vast forests, mountain ranges, lakes, national parks and various other natural resources. Apart from natural beauty, Canada has also got the world's tallest building, highly advanced roads and other quality infrastructure.

There are many benefits associated with settling down in Canada. Therefore do not hesitate if you want to live in Canada. Take help of any reputed immigration consultant or immigration lawyer to help you with all your immigration problems and settle down in Canada safely.

About the author: Joel E. Tencer is a professional immigration consultant, immigration lawyer and practice immigration and refugee law in Canada and help out people looking for immigration to Canada, refugee claim or student visa.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/law-articles/key-benefits-for-immigrants-to-canada-1633529.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants

Canada, land of big cars, big houses, and big smiling faces | Flickr ...

Help for non-immigrants who require a waiver of inadmissibility for the United States

If you are applying for a non-immigrant visa to the U.S., and you have a conviction that makes you inadmissible, or have been found to be inadmissible on another ground, then you may require a waiver of inadmissibility. The good news is that the Section 212(d)(3) waives most grounds of inadmissibility for non-immigrants. There are a few sections which it does not waive but they are fairly obscure (inadmissibility relating to espionage, sabotage, the overthrow of the U.S. government, proposed activities that would have serious adverse foreign policy consequences, or those who have persecuted others on account of race, religion, national, origin, or political opinion, or participated in the Nazi government or genocide).

Applying for a 212(d)(3) waiver is a two step process. First, the visa applicant has a visa interview with the Consular Officer. This is generally a more in depth visa interview than a regular visa interview. The Consular Officer only has the authority to make a recommendation that the waiver be granted or denied. The Consular Officer makes such recommendation to another U.S. government agency, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), who makes the ultimate decision to approve or deny the waiver. There is no second interview, rather the CBP Officer makes the decision based on the paperwork and the Consular Officer's notes of the visa interview and recommendation. The entire process can several months. Thus, if you are planning a trip to the U.S. for a special event, it is important to apply for your visa and waiver well in advance of your intended trip.

Matter of Hranka is the seminal case explaining the standard to be applied to waiver applications. In Matter of Hranka, 16 I & N Dec. 491 (BIA 1978), the Board of Immigration Appeals ("BIA"), held that there were three factors to be considered when deciding whether or not to grant a 212(d)(3) waiver of inadmissibility: (1) the risk of harm to society if the applicant is admitted; (2) the seriousness of the applicant's prior criminal law violation; and (3) the nature of the applicant's reasons for wishing to enter the U.S.

Let's take a brief look at each of the factors. The first factor the Consular Officer will evaluate is the risk of harm to the U.S. if the visa applicant is granted a visa. This factor may be harder to overcome if the visa applicant has a conviction for a violent offense, for example, assault with grievous bodily harm. The more recent the offense the more difficult this is to prove as it is helpful to show several years of rehabilitation.

The second factor is the seriousness of the visa applicant's criminal history. As part of the visa application, the visa applicant will be fingerprinted so the U.S. government can check their databases. Additionally, the visa applicant must provide police records from their current country of residence. Finally, the visa applicant must provide the complete memorandum of conviction. The visa applicant should also check for requirements specific to the particular Consular post. These requirements are generally posted on the U.S. Embassy's website and are updated frequently. So the Consular Officer and CBP Officer will evaluate the visa applicant's entire criminal history to make a decision whether to grant the visa application. The decision to grant or deny a visa or waiver is wholly discretionary. The more serious the nature of the criminal offense, or if there is more than one offense, the more difficult it may be to persuade the Consular/CBP Officers that the visa and waiver should be granted.

Third, the Consular/CBP Officer considers the visa applicant's reasons for wishing to enter the U.S. These reasons do not have to be compelling; they can be as simple as a holiday, business trip, visit family, or attend a wedding.

A well prepared waiver application is critical to success. Under current Consular guidelines, if a visa applicant is denied, absent significant changed circumstances, the visa applicant will have to wait one year before reapplying for a visa.

About the author: This article was written by Vincent A. Rodgers, who writes on a number of immigration topics relating to the United States. If you're looking to employ the services of an US Immigration Lawyer in the United Kingdom, he recommends kpcVISAS.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/help-for-non-immigrants-who-require-a-waiver-of-inadmissibility-for-the-united-states-4760744.html

Temporary Work Permit For Canada

New Canadian Home Renovation Tax Credit

The Canadian government revealed on January 27th, 2009 a temporary Home Renovation Tax Credit. This renovation credit will apply to work done on houses, cottages and condominiums owned for personal use, and projects can range from finishing a basement to remodeling a kitchen, to painting, to laying new sod. This home renovation tax credit works as follows: Homeowners can get a 15% tax credit of up to $1,350 for renovations that exceed $1,000 up to a maximum of $10,000 worth of work or materials. The renovations must take place and be completed between January 27, 2009 and January 31, 2010 to be eligible for this credit.

Under this $3-billion program, you may choose to hire a contractor or to do the work yourself. However, contractors must be registered for the GST so you cannot hire friends or family members. The Canadian government estimates that over 4 million families will take advantage and benefit from this tax credit.

The Home Renovation Tax Credit was created to encourage Canadians to spend now to help create jobs in industries typically hurt by an economic downturn.

"These measures to support home construction and renovation will help stimulate our construction and building-supplies industries," Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said in his speech.

The tax credit will apply to a variety of home improvements, such as renovating a kitchen, bathroom or basement, new carpet or hardwood floors, building an addition, deck, or fence, installing a new furnace, painting the inside or outside of a house, or laying new sod. Expenses such as building permits, professional services, and equipment rentals are also eligible.

The cost of purchasing furniture, appliances, electronics, or construction equipment do not apply. Routine repairs and maintenance will also not be eligible for the credit.

Remember that the Home Renovation Tax Credit can be used in conjunction with other government renovation programs. For example, if you plan on making your home more energy-efficient, you may qualify for grants of up to $5,000 under the ecoENERGY Retrofit Program. In addition to this $5,000 grant, you will still be able to claim these renovations under the Home Renovation Tax Credit. The same is true for eligible expenditures that are claimed under the Medical Expense Tax Credit.

Here are some tips if you plan on hiring a contractor to do the renovations for you. Please make sure that your contractor is licensed and ask them to show you their license. Ask for references. A good contractor will be happy to provide you with a list of references as well as pictures showing the type of work they have done in the past. Get more than one quote and get them in writing. The quotes should outline exactly what will be done and how long it will take. Just remember that the lowest quote may not be the best. This contractor may be cutting corners. Ask to see the contractor's certificate of insurance. A standard insurance would cover worker compensation and third-party liability for everyone on the job as well as damage they may cause. If the contractor does not have insurance, you may be held liable if case of an accident.

Happy 2009 renovations!

About the author: Diane Salman is a GTA real estate professional specializing in Oakville homes for sale. Keep up-to-date with market information in your area and feel free to visit the site search for Mississauga homes for sale and real estate related articles.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/home-improvement-articles/new-canadian-home-renovation-tax-credit-756637.html

Canadian Immigration Consultants In Hyderabad

Cost of Illegal Immigration in Colorado

We the taxpayers are not only bailing out wallstreet and automakers (along with UAW workers), but we are also footing the bill for illegal immigrants in every state. The cost of illegal immigration has skyrocketed over the years since our government is not taking care of business (oh, what a surprise). An illegal immigration news website named FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) has studied and created a report on how much it costs the state of Colorado for illegal immigration.

The cost of illegal immigration for the Rocky Mountain state is $1.1 Billion dollars annually. The FAIR study observes the most obvious costs. For an example, expenses related to medicare, incarceration and education. There are other costs that the report doesn't pick up since they only focused on the major expenses.

Here is part of the report from FAIR:

Education. Based on an estimate of 35,000 school-age illegal aliens and 49,000 U.S.-born school-aged children of illegal alien parents and estimated per pupil costs of $11,000 per year for public K-12 schooling, Coloradans spend about $925 million annually on educating the children of illegal immigrants. An additional $68 million is being spent annually on programs for limited English students, most of whom are likely children of illegal aliens. Those estimates exclude federal contributions to those programs. More than one in ten (10.8%) K-12 public school students in Colorado is the child of an illegal alien, and this share has grown as the illegal resident population has grown.
Health Care. State-funded uncompensated outlays for health care provided to Colorado's illegal alien population amount to more than an estimated $82 million a year. That is a net cost after crediting compensation from the federal government. Additionally, Coloradans who have medical insurance also pay higher medical insurance bills to help cover the costs of those without insurance.

Incarceration. The cost of incarcerating deportable aliens in Colorado's state and local prisons amounts to more than $38 million a year. This estimate also is a net amount after deducting compensation received from the federal government. It does not include short-term detention costs, related law enforcement and judicial expenditures, or the monetary impact of the crimes that result in incarceration.

So there is your tax dollars at work, at least if you live in Colorado. For the ones that live outside the state, don't worry, you're footing some of the bill as well since the federal government supplements a lot of these programs. So where is the Colorado State politicians concerning these problems with illegal immigration? How about on the federal level - George Bush? Nance Pelosi? Harry Reid? How about Barak Obama? I'm not going to hold my breath.


About the author: I am currently a supervisor at a Data Center in Ohio. Hobbies include SEO (Search Engine Optimization), building websites, and lifting weights.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/cost-of-illegal-immigration-in-colorado-681673.html

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Canadian Immigration Consultancy

The case of reverse discrimination in Canada - a Human Rights complaint

Complaint filed the 22nd 00004000 day of June, in the year 2006 before

The Ontario Human Rights Commission

Complaint action brought and filed by

Coalition for a Humanistic Euro British Canada

Incorporated as Coalition Euro British Canada Inc.

(Registered as well with a Toronto business license as a "Political Lobby Group")


This document is Press Release" issued to 8000 subscribers worldwide via email at high levels of Government and Press


The Coalition for a Humanistic Euro British British/Americas is an organization founded in 1995 by Mr. Michael Chessman, an advocate in the social services arena.

We are a social advocacy organization committed to the following:

Bringing Jane Austen levels of literacy and articulation to all members of our family

here in North America and in Europe where we think it can be useful in enhancing quality of life and civility among otherwise great "raw material".

Ending child poverty for our families here and everywhere. Ensuring a greater standard of living thorough improved quality in manufacturing And in lowering costs through efficiency.

We work in areas of consumer advocacy. For example, through our efforts, we aim to have the cost and quality of a meal out improved upon substantially.

We also work for greater quality of choice in material we present to children for viewing with respect to ensuring their edification rather than "blind entertainment". We'd like Upstairs Downstairs as family viewing along with "the Sound of Music" movie, etc. We monitor the libraries for waiting lists on these items and report to the Mayors office and Press respectively on many such matters here.

We think that teaching polite British culture is a Christianly undertaking. We make no apologies for this. This outreach of ours reaches every member of parliament and state legislature in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, Germany, France Italy The Ukraine, Euro Parliament and soon Russia. We want an acceptance that there is a better way to think on issues such as morality, good manners, decorum, civility and Christianly brotherhood in the best sense. We don't think religion is required for this when we have faculties of reason and of empathy that must be harnessed to make the best possible people as that is our own intention exactly and to the fullest in doing so.

Our policy statements have run in Newspapers around the Western World where British institutions are a fact of life. In them, we also press for more arts funding in traditional areas that we wish encouraged here. Shakespeare, etc etc etc.

Our Complaint:

The Human Rights commission works in a spirit of "affirmative action". As such its mandate, its policies its rules and its regulations are all designed to bring about injustice and the reverse only rarely and by accident rather than design or intent.


When a woman fresh off the boat from some remote third world region applies for work at one of our very own coffee outlets such as the variety of Tim Horetons, she is often given a benefit over an Irish gal from Saskatoon Saskatchewan. The reason for this is that we deny truth goodness decency common sense and most of all the desire for right and just treatment of Irish folk as they aren't deemed to have any qualifications they can claim without offending the Human rights commission. That is why you are fundamentally incompetent as an organization you lack the motivation to do the right thing. Its your raison d'etre. Fundamentally you exist to give someone something that rightly belongs to someone else. Is this a persecutable offence? Not at present, in the future we will find it hard to resist.

Allow me to elaborate. The great women of Ireland, some of whom remain relatively intact on the Praries here despite adverse conditions placed by folks of Scottish orientation with respect to legalistic ruling and what have you, come from a peoples that have taken an eternity to form. They have a very long history. This is s good history a great history and a magnificently Christianly one.

You see there is something in what we give to others in our beauty to them, our rational intelligence, our sense of empathy for our own and the best and in our availability for a needed and wanted hug here. As such when approaching one of these gals at the counter, be prepared to tip. On the other hand, perhaps you prefer the other. In which case you'd like this Irish gal, lets call her Janet because that is her real name, lets just say you rather she did without this job as the immigrant fresh off the boat from The Congo is your idea of a better thrill for you. You like doing this. It's a thing you can do. Not any good, of course, but there you have it. You've defined this as being a good Christian, Canadian style!!!! Now that is retarded stupid cruel inane witch like satanic thinking as it abuses Janet and it abuses us all that are her family. Those who do this to Janet are from the Congo and that is the basis for this madness.

So our argument here is for justice on the basis of true merit. A nicer person to us here ought to win out. I'm not saying you shouldn't all resign there and send your back pay to the Congo to prove you didn't steal from us with what you take away from Janet, not one bit. That's because you've probably all spent all that you've earned doing this. On the other hand, you may have some accessible savings, some assets perhaps, whatever, we'd like to see the right thing done, so we'll use this to set things right for Janet. Best to cut the losses now.

This applies in employment housing marriage, immigration and any other area where we decide who is to receive and at whose expense. Fundamentally we've had the wrong people gaining as their mindset is on par with those who have come up with these see-illy rules.

So a short document, but one with much wisdom. You are NOT a Christian if you apply rules to win a game of rule playing. You gain something on our land here by being a good person. In which case you will apply rules and break them as need be to do the right thing.

Otherwise you are a charlatan. Hitler had rules too. No one sensible thinks they were any good. The German human rights commission of the day sided with Hitler. Look at where we are now!

So whoever there is playing Hitler to say Irish folks are to be discounted as a non-superior stock for the purposes of employment over those from the Congo, pay heed, rules are usually made by incompetents to protect their own. Time we threw out this idea that those who best comply are the best sorts. Far, far, far from it. The reverse is true actually as can be evidenced at most Tim Hortons locations in this country.

That is our complaint. We expect it to fall on deaf ears. Nevertheless, I do have a feign, I've made a filing. So do have the right sense to respond, otherwise you'll be giving me a further claim at law. That's the sort of wisdom you practice after all.

The next time a Congo refugee from a mud hut wants equal rights at Toronto community housing to take a chance at a subsidy ridden apartment away from a Polish gal, remember where you are. Hitler is listening.

Michael Rizzo Chessman
Leader - Euro British Coalition

About the author: Leader Euro British Coalition and Crusader for Civil Rights related thereto.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/the-case-of-reverse-discrimination-in-canada-a-human-rights-complaint-2903624.html

Temporary Visit Visa Requirements For Canada

H1b Visa Requirements And Process

Any foreign national who seeks to enter the United States must obtain a visa. The United States visas are classified into Immigrant and Non-immigrant visas. The immigrant visas are used by people who wish to travel to live permanently in US and non-immigrant visas are used by people who travel to US on a temporary basis for business or pleasure.

People who wish to enter United States for employment purpose must obtain a working visa in order to be eligible to work in the United States. United States offers working visas such as H1B and H2B visas . The H1B working visa falls under the non-immigrant visa category. This visa allows a foreign national to be sponsored by a US Company for a period of six years and may lead to sponsor for Green Card. This H1B visa is mainly designed to be used for people who come under the Specialty Occupations category.

People who seek to enter United States using the H1B visa must be offered a job in the United States and must be sponsored by the employer of that company / organization. Also it is the duty of the US sponsor or the employer to prove that the position requires a skilled person from a specialty occupation and the intended employee has the required skills. The Specialty Occupations require a high degree of specialized knowledge (usually this requirement can be met by having a 3 year degree or 3 years' equivalent post-graduate experience), such as mathematics, architecture, engineering, and other occupations

List of documents needed for H1B visa

There are certain eligibility requirements to be met by both the US employer and the applicant when applying for the H1B visa. The U.S. employer must agree to pay the H-1B employee at least the prevailing wage earned by similarly employed workers in the area of employment and must make other attestations as required by the Department of Labor. The applicant must hold a bachelor's degree, possess specialized skill, and must speak and read English.

The applicant must ensure he/she provides the required supporting documents to be eligible for H1B visa. Below listed is the basic documents that the applicant must provide.

  • A letter from the Current Employer
  • Offer letter form the company in United States
  • Resume of the applicant
  • Sample company projects documents and some documents describing what the company does
  • Approval Notice (form I 797) of the original petition
  • Employment Verification letter
  • Bank Statements
  • Degree Certificates

After the application for H1B visa has been submitted by the US employer, USCIS will review the application for completeness with inclusion of the supporting documents. If USCIS finds the application is incomplete or if any required document is not submitted, the application might be rejected. On approval of the application, USCIS will send an approval notice to the US employer. If the petition visa is approved, an Approval Notice will be sent. Using the Approval Notice, the applicant may obtain the H1B visa from the US Consulate. If the application is denied, USCIS will notify applicant in writing the reason for rejection.

About the Author:
Immigration Direct is not legal advice site, but its a place for all immigration related issues. Where in you can fill the forms on Visa(Green card Renewal, Naturalization, Student Visa, Work Visa, Tourist Visa, many more) online. We will make sure your form is 100% error free, before you submit to USCIS.Please visit my blogs http://immigrationissues.wordpress.com/ and http://www.immigrationforms.blogspot.com/.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/H1b-Visa-Requirements-And-Process/1699470

Canadian Immigration Consultant

Immigration to Ireland

The population of Ireland to America in second place for the British during the colonial period. Many early Irish immigrants were Scotch-Irish and were very influential. These immigrants have settled out of Ireland due to religious conflicts, economic conditions and lack of political independence. Immigrants moved to America with the hope of land ownership and greater religious freedom. Economic and religious reasons were the main cause of motivation for i 00004000 mmigration.

An important factor that led to Irish immigration was the great famine. Most immigrants came from the farming community and a rural part of Ireland. They had limited knowledge or very little about business or trade. land tenure system in Ireland has become very unfair and people migrated by the thousands, when the famine disappeared. Many Irish immigrants faced a problem of unemployment thereafter. Ireland thus became one of the largest cultural groups who immigrated to the United States.

Employment opportunities in the United States has attracted the Irish in great numbers. Many other immigrants considered the U.S. as a temporary refuge from political turmoil, when there were those who left Ireland for freedom from religious harassment. Immigration to ireland 2011
Most Scots-Irish immigrants were educated and some were skilled workers.Ireland attract foreign recearchers for immigration in ireland. Many immigrants are carpenters, clerks, blacksmiths, shoemakers, lawyers, tailors and masons. Immigrants who have chosen to work as domestic servants, also lead a successful life thereafter. They financed their emigration by working as domestic servants and led independent lives when their tour was over. They easily fit in the new nation.

Many Scots and Irish have chosen to settle in Pennsylvania, which was a colony of the medium. Many people settled in the city of Philadelphia was the port of disembarkation. Over time, these Scotch-Irish migrated south and followed the Great Philadelphia Road, which was the main route used for the rules in the southern colonies. These immigrants eventually became fighters and pioneers.

Many people still try to immigrate to the U.S. laws Irish government, it is now difficult for the Irish to emigrate elsewhere.

Further information about Immigration to Irealand or Worldwide immigration visit:http://www.immigration-success.blogspot.com

About the author: This is julia Robert from California.Further information about Immigration to Irealand or Worldwide immigration visit:http://www.immigration-success.blogspot.com

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/immigration-to-ireland-4168875.html

Canadian Immigration Attorney

Us Immigration Attorneys Services - Immigration New York

US Immigration Attorneys Services - Immigration New York

Are you composition to migrate to major York or any other city in USA? Is that you are facing any problem related to immigration? Attorney immigration is meant to help you in every practicable manner so that you are not able to guise any problem. Visit here now http://usimmigration-lawyers.blogspot.com/

Immigration is not an easy task that will get completed in few days. Sometimes, it may bear months to acquire an immigration visa. But, if you are able to get the immigration visa of your choice whence you are the luckiest one. Before applying being an immigration visa, embodied is always exceptional to consult skilful attorney immigration.

The matter of immigration involves lots of documentation, depending upon the type of immigration visa required. Attorney immigration blame look after as your best mate leadership the matters of immigration also guide you through a proper nearing in reaching that destination point. receipt immigration permission from the supreme commission of USA is dig a air castle roll in true. Everyone knows that it is quite tough to get migrating visa to New York or any colorful city. Attorney immigration is there to support you hold settling out undocked lawful problems related to this matter. The prime ground of attorney immigration is to handle cases of foreigners who visit a particular country.

As per the spirit contour of attorney immigration is concerned, he represents his client in the court of law, habit documentation and legal word. If you anchor up significance any problem, then it is advised that you should allow for your attorney immigration. Before consulting attorney immigration, essential is mandatory that you should play ball out the resourcefulness and pathway record of that promoter. After all, you are vesting your interest monopoly a stranger. On the other note, it becomes a matter of obeisance for an counsel when he has to handle a complicated case.

A variety of cases obligation be a citation of the profile of proposer immigration. Custody of a child, matters applicable to settling in USA, going to some foreign city for enlightenment concerns further many others are some of the sensitive and important matters handled by attorney immigration. You should sit with your upholder immigration further discuss each besides every aspect of your case, so that proper juice restraint save you from the problem. Immigration laws keep on fluctuating from time to time further your attorney immigration should speak for aware of them, so that befitting steps obligation be taken to turn the root to your destination.

Every year, a variety of people support on crucial to migrate to their favorite country. It is this occasion that they keep on looking because attorney immigration, who can guide them properly. If you are among the crowd of such people and don't have much time to treasure superficial pleader immigration, consequently online directories are there for your help. An added improvement of this way is that you incubus get to know about so bountiful attorneys, in sole go. You authority also give blessing their performance level again decide being the unparalleled one. Just keep in mind that attorney immigration is meant to save you from the tangles of immigration laws. Visit here now http://usimmigration-lawyers.blogspot.com/

About the author: Visit here now http://usimmigration-lawyers.blogspot.com/

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/immigration-articles/us-immigration-attorneys-services-immigration-new-york-1869978.html

Canadian Immigration Canada Visas

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Entering Canada

To drive through Canada, people need to know the necessary ID requirements. American citizens who arrive into Canada driving must prove their citizenship and produce a photo ID. Passport requirements are normally different for visitors who arrive by plane and those who arrive by road. When traveling by road into Canada, passengers need to give the driver their ID and passport shortly before reaching at the border services booth. This ensures that the passengers do not have to start looking for the document when they are at the border services booth. Or children traveling without both their parents they require a note from their parents or guardians indicating that they have permission to leave their country. The parent's names and contacts must be clearly indicated. When a child or children are traveling with just one parent then it is advised that a note from the absent parent accompany the children.

There are some items that can be accepted or rejected to cross the border. Information on such items can be gotten from Canada border services. They can advise travelers whether to bring in pets, what measure of alcohol and tobacco is allowed, restrictions on motor boats and hunting rifles etc. since stolen cars are smuggled across the border, cars driving into Canada need to have proper car registration documents. This also avoids scenarios where tourist cars can be considered as cars purchased outside Canada and being brought in as tourist cars to avoid paying duties. Questions asked by the border services officers need to be answered correctly, such as how long people intend to stay in the country, the reason for entering into the country and an address of where they will be staying.

Items purchased at the Canada/U.S. border duty free must be supported with receipts when they are required. Items like tobacco and alcohol attract heavy duties in Canada but are very cheap at the duty free shopping. However, it should be noted that items bought there must be consumed while in Canada without leaving the country with them. Upon arrival at border services booth the driver should roll down the front and back windows if there are passengers in the back seat. This enables the border service officer to address everybody in the vehicle at once. To save travel time it is advisable for people to check out the border wait times before crossing. When faced with an option between two or three border crossings, the waiting time can enable travelers to choose which border crossing favors them. Some border crossings can have more custom inspections than others.

When entering Canada, travelers need to be aware of the changes at border policy called WHTI, which refers to western hemisphere travel initiative that no longer recognizes US citizen's oral declarations of citizenship. Sea and on-land crossings require proof of citizenship, government issued photo ID or a birth certificate. A passport though is highly recommended, especially for those getting into Canada by sea or air. Those driving into Canada using rental vehicles should first confirm with the rental company if such cars will be allowed entry into Canada.

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Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/destinations-articles/entering-canada--817334.html