Sunday, January 15, 2012

Canada Visiting Visa Requirements

Overseas Nurses, Live And Work In Canada

Healthcare profession offers the nurses an array of opportunities to practice in a diversity of social settings. Every nursing workplace involves distinctive challenges that demand a specific set of skills and knowledge. At the same time, it offers a set of personal and professional rewards that combine to create motivation and professional growth. In this article I would like to discuss opportunities for nurses to migrate and to work in Canada.

Nurses willing to practice in Canada must take CRNE.CRNE means Canada Registered Nurses Exam. This exam is conducted by CNA to measure the capability of Overseas Nurses in the field of Nursing. Unfortunately, this exam can be written only in Canada. To appear for this CRNE, you can apply for Short Term visit visa. As IELTS is mandatory to appear for the CRNE you need to prepare for it. You may take the help of the online portal IELTS4U. However, as the requirement is 6.5 in Academics IELTS, it will be easy to secure that score. You may also enroll in CRNP so that your preparation for CRNE becomes easy.

What is CRNP Program? It is called Canada Registered Nurse Placement Program. In this program we send Overseas Nurses to Canada by giving appropriate training & a Work Permit. Any overseas Nurse having a Diploma or Degree in Nursing with minimum one year of work experience and who is ready to prepare for CRNE and IELTS may enroll in this program. The process for initial Registration will take approximately 3 to 4 months of time. After getting the Registration, the Nurse has to book for CRNE Exam which further takes 2 months. After passing the CRNE Exam, the registration would take 6 weeks. So totally, including the work permit, the whole process will would take around 7 to 8 months.

The exam will take maximum of two days and sometimes it gets finished in one day. So you don't need to stay long time in Canada to write the exam. Legally you can stay by changing your visa status. But we always recommend you to come back after giving CRNE exam. But there are some people who change their visa in Canada, and do not come back. We recommend you to fly back to Canada along with family after getting Work Permit.

You will get Full Registration from Nursing Board in Canada after you successfully pass the CRNE Exam. Once we get the Registration Number, we will find Employer and Work Permit to work in Canada. The whole process will take around 6 weeks after PIN number. As the CRNE exam will be for maximum of 2 days, you can plan your journey for a week. During your exam, we will arrange the accommodation for you to stay in a hotel. And, you have to bear to cost of hotel.

About the Author:
Bob kalangi
8 - 10, Gough House
57 Eden Street
Kingston upon Thames
KT1 1DA, United Kingdom
Ph+1 (0) 613 800 0471
Fax: +44 (0) 208 546 5811
