Monday, December 19, 2011

Off Campus Work Permit Canada

Banking And Legal Issues To Work Out Prior To Off Grid Living

There are many who love the ideal of off grid living and being disconnected from city services out on your own land somewhere. The idea is about self sufficiency and even conservation and environmental concerns. However, It is quite an undertaking with a wide variety of banking and legal factors that have to be considered before even attempting it.

The first issue is one of land. Most large cities do not have bare land available to live off grid on so you have to look at rural areas. There is quite a bit of "junk land" available without any utilities on them. The issue that many face is that banks do not give loans out for land like this. The funds to buy the land will have to be raised before hand without a loan.
The other issue that many face are legal issues. Rural land tends to have less rules and regulations, but there are still quite a bit of rules to follow in some areas.

If you want a natural structure, you have to make sure your building materials are legal and up to code. This means that for some, a straw bale house for example might need to be approved before building it. Other types of homes like cob may never be legal. Even with traditional building materials there are some codes to follow.

Sewage and waste is another issue. Some places give permits to dig septic sewage without problems or issues. Others require additional inspections and paperwork to get this accomplished.

Water can become a major factor as well. Some states do not want you collecting any rain water regardless of your uses for it. Wells typically need paperwork and permission.

The big issue that needs to be worked out first is research. Find areas that will allow you to live your life without any major issues or headaches. Find out how to overcome any potential so that you can have your off grid dream without loans or legalities getting in the way.

Off grid living is a dream for many. However, there are some common loan and legal issues that crop up causing all sorts of problems for those who just want to live a simple off grid lifestyle. A little preparation before hand will save you a lot of stress and heartache in the long run.

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