Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Permanent Resident In Canada Can Vote

A Hunting And Fishing Trip To Canada - Can You Bring And Import Your Firearms?

You may be a hunter traveling to Canada – especially Northern Canada for the hunting vacation of your dreams. You may be a simple tourist on a holiday “Up There” to the North to visit Canada. You may of heard of Canada’s gun laws and not now or be confused of the rules in regards to bringing in firearms into Canada as an American visiting Canada.

First and foremost – if you are unsure of the rules ask. Simple as that. In this day and age it is more than to simple to find out and enquire what the rules are in terms of bringing a gun into Canada – even if it is only for a vacation or hunting trip. You can visit websites – Canada and U.S. Customs, you can write or email. You can always phone Canada – be it Canada’s capital Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal of Vancouver.

In dealing with legalities and customs people it is always best to be on the safe side.

Of course that if possible printed documentation is always the best.

First as a basis, Canadian’s are not anywhere near as open in regards to guns and firearms as Americans both in terms of their culture and the law – both the general law and the laws in regards to customs. As always ignorance of the law is no excuse. Still if you follow the law, and stay with you will have no trouble. Your hunting trip at that pristine lodge in Northern Canada will remain the trip of your dreams and memories. Hopefully you will repeat your trip and return again and again.

Canada has introduced new firearms laws over the last number of years. These are intended to make Canada safer for both residents and visitors. No matter what you have to declare all firearms and weapons at Canada Customs when you enter Canada on your way up. To not declare the firearms, is considered a serious matter – then the firearms can indeed be seized and the holder may even face criminal charges. Along with your declaration of ownership of the firearms you may need the documents and documentation to prove that you are entitled to possess a firearm in Canada. In addition you will have to show that you can transport the weapons or firearms safely. Check the category and classification of your firearms. It is not always the same as at home. Some will fall into admissible categories some not. Remember that it the rule of the land of the law that matters- in this case you are in Canada, not the good old U.S.A.

Visitors to Canada can import non- restricted firearms for legitimate purposes such as sporting or hunting use during the hunting season , for use in competitions, in transit movements ( for example moving in a most possible direct transport route from point A to point B), and for personal protection against wildlife in remote areas of Canada. In all the cases above the firearms must be declared in writing. In the case of personal protection against wildlife, the Canada Customs officer must be satisfied that the circumstances warrant the firearm being imported.

Lastly in terms of ammunition, both Canadians and non-residents may import sporting and competitive ammunition for their personal use. However if they want to import hollow-point ammunition labeled for use in handguns, then they will need written authorization form Natural Resources Canada.

You can have an enjoyable and trouble free hunting trip with your favorite firearms. It’s a case of knowing the rules, following the rules assigned by the Canadian Customs rules. If in doubt – ask to make sure. You can never be too safe on a hunting trip whether it’s against wildlife or importing your firearms into Canada.

About the author: Lake Manitoba Hunting LodgesManitoba Wilderness Fishing BlogManitoba Lake Manitoba Narrows Hunting Fishing Lodges
