Saturday, April 14, 2012

Ways To Immigrate To Canada

Visa 457: An Easier Way To Immigrate To Australia

Many general and personal factors can influence someones decision to migrate. Generally, it is the search for a better life, better opportunities for prosperity or a better future for their families which motivates the decision to move.
Australia has proven to be one of the most attractive immigration destinations and, while many have been discouraged by its stringent immigration requirements; it would seem that the appeal of living in a democratic, safe and free society outweighs the challenges faced by migration seekers.
The Australian economys rapid growth has led to skill shortages, prompting the Australian government to offer an alternative type of Visa, labelled the 457 Visa, which has simplified the immigration process and augmented their access to skills at the same time.
The 457 Visa has become the most commonly used program for Australian or overseas employers to sponsor skilled employees to work in Australia on an initially temporary basis. The 457 Visa offers a number of advantages compared to other Visa options; length of stay and immigration costs being two of the primary benefits.
The 457 Visa allows holders to stay in Australia for up to 4 years, and affords immigrants most of the rights and duties of full citizenship, with the exception of the right to vote and jury duty. After 24 months, 457 Visa holders have the right to apply for full Australian citizenship. An additional benefit of the 457 Visa is the specific requirement that the employer pays for many of the costs an immigrant would normally have to cover themselves, such as relocation and medical expenses.
Immigrating to countries in the first world is increasingly difficult as citizens and lobby groups display growing concern over the influx of foreigners. Australia is no exception to this trend. As a result there is a need for guidance and support amongst those wishing to immigrate.
Obtaining the visa on your own can be a daunting task and employing the services of an immigration agency can prove to be an invaluable investment. An agency will assist you with the application process, help you to prepare for the immigration interviews and, in the case of the higher-end services, have consultants ready to receive and assist you once you arrive on the other side.
While the 457 Visa allows the applicant to more easily migrate with family members, the task does become more complex in this instance, making the services of an immigration agency crucial in ensuring your family immigrates with as little disruption as possible.
Before taking the first steps toward immigrating, I suggest you first ensure that you meet the basic requirements. A checklist, such as the one offered by can prove useful. If you look at the checklist you may notice a number of factors that you have never even contemplated before.
Immigration is far more than just a move from one country to another; it is a radical change in lifestyle; and, in the case of Australia, a fairly pleasant one!

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