Sunday, November 20, 2011

Canada Immigration And Citizenship Phone Number

Immigration Questions and Answers

Irish citizenship by marriage - is it still possible?
I know the laws have changed in the last couple years, so I need an explanation of the *current* requirements.I have been married to an Irish citizen for several years but we do not live in Ireland. I had intended to apply for citizenship, but kept putting it off. Now I think I can't get citizenship without...

Easiest place to marry?
My boyfriend and I are expecting a baby. He's in London, I'm in the States... all of the visa sites recommend marrying OUT of the UK in order to avoid all of the visa fees (fiancee visa, marriage approval fee thing, marriage visa fee, etc) Where would be the easiest place for the two of us to get married? How long would...

What do you think of Tancredo targets New Hampshire 'sanctuary state' bill ?
CONCORD, N.H.a"If Presidential hopeful Tom Tancredo had his way, New Hampshire lawmakers behind an immigration bill would be thrown out of office and prosecuted for helping illegal immigrants. "If they actually implemented it, you bet. It's aiding and abetting. I think that's a pretty clear violation of the federal law," he said Wednesday...

Visa application.please help!!?
What is the best visa to apply for as an international student if i dont want to be restricted and be able to work off the university cumpus?

Why is it when anyone complains about their tax money going to illegals, pro-amnesty people automatically?
think that you are on welfare, have no education, or work for $5 an hour?Do some people in this country really hate their fellow Americans this much?I am adamantly opposed to illegal immigration, however, I have a decent job; in no way would they be able to do what I...

Citizen or Not?
If one couple, they just have Greencard, not citizen in United State. If they have a baby, what is going to happen? baby will become citizen or what? you think this visa bill just basically supports.?
the continuously growing populations of illegals and discourages those who have been patiently waiting in line, spending so much money for numbers of applications trying to follow/ obey the immigration law to become legal?I just don't get it. It's not that I'm totally against illegals (though I disagree with the way they get away with things.) but...

I heard US governtment were giving out citizenships to illegal residents?
is that true? where can I learn more about this? and what is this policy called?any information would be appreciated

after filling a petition form for an illegal immigrant, whats next??..?
i was wondering if while waiting for response from i-130 petiton form, does the person has to wait for the response or can that person ask or file for temporary work permit??.. and how about driver's license. we pay someone already that offered to help us with everything and now the sucker disapeared on...
Canada Or America ? which is better ?
who has better education ? better health care ? better places to do ? better standers of living etc..if you had to pick between which one to be a citzen of what would you choose and WHY ? dont say cause my family is there.. give me reasonable reasons

Did the terminator state just terminate money for what could have been benefits for permanent citizens?"The range of bills reflected the divisions on an emotional issue championed by talk radio and bloggers across the political spectrum. Kansas, for instance, passed an act declaring English the official language of the state, while California passed a bill extending all public benefits to migrant workers."Praise Kansas for recognizing...

Drugs. Would my husband be allowed to enter the USA?
He got a drugs conviction over 10 years ago. It was in the early nineties and he got caught with a handful of e's on the way to a rave, naughty boy. Anyway they decided to do him for intention to supply class A's - pretty serious conviction. It is now 'spent' in...

How many languages are spoken in Mexico?
Why is it kept together as one country when it clearly should be many different small countries?

Why do some mexicans have cow stickers on the side of?
their vans?I'm serious I never understood that.

Are you going to watch the Immigration hearings today on C-Span 2?
Are you going to watch the Republican debate tonight at 7:00 EST on CNN?

Will my husband be able to stay here in the USA??
I have been with this man for 5 years, but we have been married for almost 3 years. We have 3 children together whom are 2, 3 and 4 years of age. He crossed the border 8 years ago and did not come here with permission...I have recently filed a I-130 form (Alien Family Member)...

Expired Visa?
My friend's J1 visa expired 2 years ago. What are his options?

Illegal work, with my own real social security number?
I am an international student, with one more semester to go. I need money for next semester. My status only allows me to work on campus, which has a maximum of 20 hrs/week, I need more than that! That's why I want to get an off-campus job. I know this is wrong, but I have no other...

Should i have learned to speak Spanish instead of English when I came to America?
With all this illegal amnesty crap it seems learning English might of been a bad move. What do you think? And yes I'm being ironic.

Forgot to return my I-94 form (tourist visa) in 1996. What to do?
Do you think that there are still records from over 10 years ago?I do NOT intend to stay in the US for longer than 3 weeks as a tourist.I did not actually overstay my tourist visa back then, but it will be hard to prove that (as there is no single document proving...

Will i be able to stay in Norway if i marry a norwegian native?
I just moved to Norway. I do not have a work or residence permit, but i intend to marry a Norwegian native. I would like to know if i automatically become a norwegian citizen as soon as i marry him, and i would like to know where i can research the rights...

Illegal immigrants pour in to the tune of one million that got caught how many you think didn't and?
how do they live here working illegally taking jobs from us citizens

What if Mexico...?
What if gold grew on trees in Mexico, and people from America were dying just to get in and live "The Mexican dream." Millions upon millions of gringos would try and cross the Rio Grande, or sneak across the Arizona border into the land of prosperity. It would be like the 1840's goldrush, only 1000 times bigger! Soon, the Mexican...

What's the most extreme thing you would do?
to get rid of illegals if money was no object and you were immune to the law?

When working a grocery store in college, alot of Puerto Ricans.?
seem to use foodstamps. We all noticed this. We rarely saw whites or blacks on them but whenever a puerto rican came through, we all looked at eachother and then when they left, it was like "yup, still none that pay for their own." Many didn't know English to boot. Why is...

What type of visa is the best, fastest way to bring a future wife to the u.s.?
we're both of se asian descent, but i am a legal u.s. citizen. would getting a finace visa, then getting married in the states be faster, or getting married there and filing for a spousal visa? what are the requirements and about how long for each process...

how many mexican immigrants die in the year 2004 and 2005 ?
how many mexican immigrants died tryin to cross the border to come to the united states

What are the differences between the immigration policy in the early 1900s, compared to today's?
I keep hearing things like today's immigrants are coming here illegally and want to convert America to a new country with a new flag and their language. I'm not really buying that. If thats true, nothing in the President's proposed bill will allow them to do that, so its a non-issue...The...

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