Monday, November 21, 2011

Immigration Canada Forms Refugees

Refugee Boat Containing Suspected Tamil Terrorists and Human Smugglers Arrive at Esquimalt Harbour, BC

This story has nothing to do with Vancouver real estate but it's a topic that I really feel deserves comment.

Having followed this story over a number of months, I see the inevitable has happened. Canada, has freely allowed a boatload of human smugglers, Tamil terrorists and derelicts to walk into the country to take full advantage of their "rights" as refugees.

WHAT RIGHTS? You have got to be kidding me! This ship sets sail from Sri Lanka as heads toward Australia. The Australians make it clear to the ship early on that under no circumstances will they be allowed on Australian soil. So the snakeheads go to plan B which is Canada, knowing full well that chances are good that things will go as planned. So they refuel the ship and headup to the Pacific Northwest. They arrive here to a warm meal, hot shower, full medical, full refugee right status and full legal representation. All for free. Actually it's not free, not by a long shot; it comes directly out of the pocket of the Canadian taxpayer - my money and your money.

So the ship lands in Canada, everyone gets off the boat. The job is done and the snakeheads get paid. They have identified Canada's weak, spineless policy regarding refugees, so go ahead and arrange the next 10 boatloads to set sail. This is not a refugee issue, it's an organized crime/human smuggling issue! When is someone in Ottawa going to grow the balls to stand up and put a stop to this? Where are our leaders? Our decision makers?

I have to laugh at a comment by Public Safety Minister, Vic Toews, quote from theGlobe and Mail:

"Let me be clear on this point: human smuggling, illegal migration or any other abuses of Canada's immigration system can not and will not be tolerated. As we deal with this current situation under Canadian law, Canadian officials will look at all available options to strengthen our laws in order to address this unacceptable abuse of international law and Canadian generosity."

Blah, blah, nothing but lip service. What an oxymoron to have the 'Public Safety' minister in charge of letting in a boatload of terrorists. Next to being a weatherman, this has got to be the easiest job in the world. "Let me be clear" that your tax dollars pay this guy's six-figure salary.

Something is seriously wrong with the system when 500 terrorists and criminals can walk into Canada on any given day butRobert Dziekanski gets tasored to death by four federal officers at Vancouver Airport while coming to visit his elderly mother.

Shame on you lawmakers and bureacrats,protecting your jobs by telling us what 'should' be done butthen slinking back behind the cover of the system. Someone take a stand!

My solution is a Canada-wide referendum. Let's let the Canadian taxpayers decide what to do if no-one in Ottawa will.

About the author: I am a Vancouver realtor and mortgage broker who has been in the real estate industry for 12 years. My formal education includes a Bachelor's of Commerce from the University of Natal and a diploma in Urban Land Economics from UBC

I enjoy many outdoor pursuits such as fishing, surfing, kayaking, windsurfing and camping.

Vancouver is a great place to live!
