Monday, March 12, 2012

Canadian Visa Interview

Job Interview Questions Canada

When you need to prepare for a job interview, there are some basic precautions such as arriving 10-20 minutes early, dressing in formal attire, and observing all the rules of workplace etiquette, propriety, and politeness inherent to a working environment.

Job Interview Questions Canada

There are also questions that you can expect to be asked. For instance, when I went for my first job interview, they asked me the following questions:

What expectations do you have about working here?

What is your favorite movie? Why? How would you describe it?

What are some of your hobbies and interests? Describe yourself.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Where do you expect to be in 5 years time?

These types of questions are likely to be relevant to your working environment or to the particular position you are applying for.

When you prepare for a job interview, be prepared to answer the following questions:

What defines you?

What are you best at? What strengths do you have?

What are you worst at? What don't you like doing? What are your weaknesses?

Where do you see yourself progressing in the company?

What is your favorite part about this job? Why do you want to work here?

What is your proudest achievement?

What are some ideas for how you could improve the company?

What is your work style? What kinds of people do you work best with?

What was your favorite part of your last job?

What was your least favorite part?

Prior preparation for these types of questions can pay dividends as you will be less likely to hesitate when asked the questions and more likely to give a reasoned and balanced answer.

Interview Secrets Click here

About the author: job listings
