Thursday, March 15, 2012

Canadian Work Permit Duration


Our culture of convenience is killing us. If the stress of buying and replacing an endless array of gadgets isn't harsh enough, our addiction to appliances unheard of only a few decades ago is propelling us toward mass misery, death and health care cost calamity on a scale not seen since cars and cigarettes became as personally essential as all the consumer crazes that followed.

Like Big Tobacco's cynical cover-up, the conspiracy of silence and corporate-government complicity surrounding cell phones, cell phone relay towers, microwave ovens and the "wireless revolution" is unleashing an invisible plague upon our lives.

And we love it. Racing faster and faster to keep pace with tireless electronic machines that never need to eat or sleep, we have come to equate being fully alive with being fully "wired".

But the electrochemical exchanges that enable cells to function and communicate in human brains and bodies are so subtle, and so delicately attuned to Earth's own quietly humming electromagnetics, the inaudible "noise" from so many clever devices threatens to drown the very signals on which all life depends. And there is nothing convenient about cancer.

Already we are seeing unfolding epidemics of cancers, brain damage and immune dysfunction that threaten the "best and the brightest" students and executives among technologically advanced and emerging nations. Particularly hard hit will be the next generation on which so much depends. For this is our "Last Chance Century" to stop abusing ourselves and the planet on which we depend - and it is the young who are most vulnerable to the most pervasive human-made pollution ever unleashed: electromagnetic smog.

Whether portable phone or microwave wonder, exposing your three million year-old hominid self to energy levels never before encountered in primate evolution is a spectacularly bad idea. []

Talk about a triple threat! It turns out that the microwaves messing up your cells from your aptly named "cell phone", neighborhood cell phone tower, or newly acquired long-range cordless phone are radiating at the same 2.45 Gigahertz frequency emitted by your microwave oven.

Studies of plant, animal and human susceptibility to electromagnetic fields show that the higher the frequency the more damage results. Instead of talking on your cell phone while eating a microwaved meal, you might as well go live next to Chernobyl's leaky containment dome.

The Russians call the symptoms of this new radiation hazard, "Microwave Sickness". After capturing the first karmically-compromised microwave ovens from their Nazi inventors, the Soviets expanded on the Reich's initial two-year research in Berlin by looking hard at microwave maladies from 1957 until nearly the end of the Cold War - when the Kremlin banned these infernal machines.

Conducted at the Institute of Radio Technology in Byelorussia and the Institute of Radio Technology in the USSR, the Russians saw red after finding cancer-making compounds formed in virtually all foods nuked in microwave ovens - including meats, milk and grains, frozen fruits, raw or frozen vegetables.

As Anthony Wayne and Lawrence Newell point out in "The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking", Russian researchers also found decreased nutritional value - or significant dimming of their "vital energy field" - in up to 90% in all microwaved foods.

In addition, the B complex, C and E vitamins linked with stress-reduction and the prevention of cancer and heart disease - as well as the essential trace minerals needed for optimum brain and body functioning - were rendered useless by microwaves, even at short cooking durations.

Not only is microwaved food reduced to the nutritional equivalent of cardboard, lymphatic disorders leading to an inability to prevent certain cancers were also observed, along with increased rates of cancer cell formation in the blood of people eating microwaved meals. The Russians reported increased rates of stomach and intestinal cancers, as well as digestive and excretive disorders - plus a higher percentage of cell tumors, including sarcoma - in people exposed to food molecularly ripped apart by these dangerous devices.

Renowned for their work in physics and electromagnetic research, Russian scientists found that as brain circuitry breaks down, disturbances in the alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves varying between rest and concentration occurred at "markedly higher levels" among those exposed to microwave radiation, as well as microwaved foods.

It turns out that eating over-energized food "zapped" in a microwave imparts that energy to the human nervous system. The resulting stress causes a high blood pressure response, with such characteristic symptoms as migraines, dizziness, stomach pain and anxiety.

Higher incidences of hair loss, appendicitis, cataracts and reproductive problems have also been found among constant consumers of microwaved food - with women's more complex hormones and plumbing proving particularly vulnerable. Regardless of gender, adrenal exhaustion and heart disease caused by microwave food stress, the Russian researchers stressed, can be fatal.

They also found that regularly consuming food "nuked" in a microwave also leads to memory loss and attention disorders - as well as increased crankiness, depression, disconnected thoughts and sleep interruption.

Sound familiar? After years of independent writing and research, this reporter is convinced that the oft-remarked "dumbing down" of America is directly linked to "stupid schools", constant urban noise, poor nutrition and hypno-television flicker - as well as dangerously incessant levels of electromagnetic smog acting synergistically with proven brain-damaging compounds such as aspartame, fluoridated water, antidepressants and food shattered by microwave ovens.

Recent research confirms that the spikes of violently oscillating energy pulsed into microwaved meals and transferred to the blood stream by eating these foods can cause permanent brain damage by "shorting out" intercellular signals and "de-polarizing" brain tissue which depends on natural +/- electrical polarities to function.

Reporting clinical findings from Novosibirsk in 1975, IR Luria sealed the fate of microwave ovens throughout Mother Russia the following year when he noted how "These effects can cause virtually irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various components of the nervous system." Luria lambasted microwave ovens, concluding: "Ingestion of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all respects."

But in 1976, the same corporate-controlled US media that later failed to flag Americans on glaring 911 anomalies and the manufactured "threat" from a shattered Iraq, also neglected to report the Soviet government's ban on "microwaves" - which were by then taking over cooking chores in nine out of ten American homes.

While the USSR were busy issuing an international alarm over microwave cooking hazards, back in the USA a sudden onslaught of colon cancer coincided precisely with the "craze" for microwave ovens and food.

So what's going on in your microwave? Unlike the direct radiant heat from regular ovens and toaster ovens - which cook food like a Paleolithic campfire from the outside in - space age microwave ovens hurl high-frequency microwaves that boil the moisture within food and its packaging by whipsawing water molecules dizzyingly back-and-forth at more than a billion reversals per second.

This frenetic friction fractures food molecules, rearranging their chemical composition into weird new configurations unrecognizable as food by human bodies - which tend to react as if confronted by terrorists wearing grotesque masks.

Eating molecularly-molested foods alters your blood chemistry, too.

How's this for microwave magic: Eat your organic veggies zapped by microwaves and send your cholesterol soaring! As noted in my previous article, "Cooked", Swiss scientist Hertel harrumphs: "Blood cholesterol levels are less influenced by cholesterol content of the food than by stress factors" in non-fat microwaved foods.

Before being ordered to shut up by the Swiss government acting on behalf of microwave oven manufacturers, Hertel heroically remarked in 1991 that eating food altered in a microwave also derails the body's remarkable repair and regeneration powers, leaving cells "easy prey for viruses, fungi and other micro-organisms."

A few months later, a "Comparative Study of Food Prepared Conventionally and in the Microwave Oven" backed the heretic Hertel when independent investigators Zelt and Raum revealed, "Microwaved food contains both molecules and energies not present in food cooked in the way humans have been cooking food since the discovery of fire."

The resulting radiolytic compounds created by deformed microwaved molecules introduce "into the human body molecules and energies to which it is not accustomed," Zelt and Raum remonstrated. In fact, our bodies cannot break down these alien compounds without producing extremely toxic wastes in the bloodstream that courses through all organs and tissues.

Reporting for the Forensic Research Document of AREC Research, William P. Kopp now states: "The effects of microwaved food by-products are long term, permanent within the human body. Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down."

There is no qualifying "maybe" concerning this Kopp's conclusions: "Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence," he declared.

Dr. Mercola concurs: "Recent research shows that microwave oven-cooked food suffers severe molecular damage. When eaten, it causes abnormal changes in human blood and immune systems. Not surprisingly, the public has been denied details on these significant health dangers." []

On January 27, 2003 MD Allan Spreen wrote in "Micro Management" that microwave cooking studies "universally describe some type of damage" - including the complete degradation of vitamin B-12 into useless junk.

Dr. Spreen also vented his spleen denouncing the packaging for many "microwavable" foods. Pizza, French fries, waffles, popcorn, breaded fish, instant noodle soups and similar plastic-wrapped foods become laced with dioxins when zapped in a microwave.

Think pulp mill pollution. Think "Agent Orange" and the near-permanent poisoning of Vietnamese DNA by US military planes spraying megatons of defoliants over families, forests and farms. In both cases, dioxins are doing drastic damage. Next to the weapons-grade plutonium contaminating Denver's suburbs, and the depleted uranium munitions littering Afghanistan and Iraq, dioxins are the deadliest, most persistent artificially created chemical substance known.

Dr. Edward Fujimoto from Castle Hospital says, unless you really want to do yourself serious harm, do not microwave TV dinners, ramen soups and similarly processed "foods" in a microwave oven using plastic containers - especially foods filled with fat. Fujimoto found that the combination of fat, high heat and plastics releases dioxin into the food, and into the cells of anyone unlucky enough to eat it. Remember, that the more flexible plastics require more hazardous chemicals in their manufacture. Nuking Saran-wrapped foods is insane.

Here's a fun experiment you can do at home: Plant seeds in two pots. Water one pot with water nuked in a microwave; the other with "normal" filtered tap water. Surprise! The seeds soaking up microwaved water won't sprout.

So what do you suppose happens to the life-giving properties of your blood?

The excellent news is that prudent prevention is as close as saying, "nyet" to microwaved foods. While eating a microwaved meal on extremely rare occasions will probably do less harm than stressing out about it, using a microwave oven for much or most of your home cooking is a ticket to trouble. I prefer to stand back and activate my toaster oven instead. It's nearly as quick. And the meals it produces taste better, and are much better for me than dining on soul-sucking "Frankenfoods" created in some ex-Nazi nemesis.

It may not be time to return to the horse and buggy. But have you ditched your cellular phone, long-range portable phone, and microwave oven yet?

The time for electromagnetic emancipation is right now.

About the author: WHO IS WILLIAM THOMAS? I am an award-winning Canadian author, reporter, photographer and filmmaker. A former Vancouver Sun aphotoga - his feature writing and accompanying photographs subsequently appeared in more than 50 publications in eight countries, including translations into French, Dutch and Japanese. My 30-minute video documentary Eco War won the 1991 US Environmental Film Festival award for aBest Documentary Shorta. Excerpts from this afront-linesa chronicle of a three-man environmental emergency response team in Kuwait aired in an eight-part CBC Gulf War mini-series, and have been shown on CNN and NBC television, as well as Noam Chomsky's feature film, aThe Corporationa. During and immediately after the Gulf War, I served five months in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait as a member of a three-man environmental emergency response team. Winner of four Canadian feature-writing awards, I am the author of Days Of Deception: Ground Zero and Beyond; All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion, Scorched Earth, Bringing The War Home, Alt Health, Stand Down, Dialing Our Cells: Cell Phone Health Hazards and the recently updated Chemtrails Confirmed. A former pilot, ocean sailing master and frequent radio talk-show guest, I currently live and work in the Gulf Islands off Canada's west coast. Visit my investigative reporting website: Visit my photography website:
